The whole family room erupt in laughter the next day after Shivansh tells them what Jivika wants to do. By now everyone knows how much Jivika loves Hulk, the same goes with Hulk as well. But no one ever thought that she can think of taking Hulk with her to the vacation too.
Meanwhile, Shivansh is rubbing his forehead because his wife is adamant on taking the giant dog with her or she won't be going anywhere. Not only that now he has to go to Bahamas alone as Jivika has told him about her opinion on going somewhere in India for vacation. He wasn't lying when he said that he had to attend a meeting but he thought that he would take Jivika with him. But now he needs to go alone and attend the meeting there. After coming back he will take his Rani Sahiba on a much needed vacation.
"So what are you going to do now?" Pratap asks Shivansh after everyone calm down.
"I am leaving alone for Bahamas tomorrow as the meeting is important and after coming back from there I will take Jivika somewhere within our country." Shivansh replies.
"And what about the situation with Hulk?" Radhika asks trying to control her laugh seeing the frown on her nephew's face.
"I really don't know. She is too adamant on taking that mutt with her." Shivansh replies with a sigh. Thankfully neither Jivika or Hulk is present there, otherwise God knows what they would have done to Shivansh for calling Hulk a mutt.
"Bhaiya, I can talk to Bhabhi about it because I can't sleep without having Hulk beside me." Eklavya says making Shivansh to nods his head.
"You can try, Eklavya. But I can't guarantee if your Bhabhi will agree with you or not." That's all Shivansh replies before walking away from there as his phone starts ringing.
"Are you there?" Shivansh asks over the phone when no one is around him.
"Tell her not to kill any of them." Shivansh orders before disconnecting the call.
Meanwhile in the warehouse Ritika is busy torturing Binita Rao who have fainted two times already. But Ritika isn't in the mood to show any mercy on the older lady. She picks up the bucket of icey cold water and pours it harshly on the fainted lady who jerks open her eyes out of shock.
"N-No m-m-o-o-re." Binita Rao says with difficulty while she tries to sit down but the extreme pain in her buttocks aren't letting her sit. She has received more than 100 lashes on her buttocks and now it's completely swollen.
"Awe, you aren't able to sit? Poor Bua." Ritika mocks with a fake sad face seeing the condition of the once cunning lady but now she is just a torture experiment for others.
"Jivika wanted to take rest but you didn't let her. So, now it's your turn to not able to sit for a second. Because even if you try to sit, the pain will be too unbearable that you won't be able to survive." Ritika remarks with a smirk.
"Why are you doing this to us? Haven't you tortured us enough already?" Janki Rao asks from the other end of the room where she is tied down into a chair.
"Oh come on Oldie Rao. I haven't started the real torture yet. It's just a warm-up for me whatever I have done till now." Ritika replies walking towards Janki Rao who tries to back away but can't due to the shackles around her body.
"Kya hua? Dar lag raha hein?" Ritika asks leaning in front of her next prey who gulps seeing the craziness in her eyes.
(What happened? Are you feeling scared?)
"Mujhe jaane do." Janki Rao utters while her whole body trembles in anguish.
(Let me go.)
"Tune jaane diya tha Jivika ko padhne? Tune jaane diya tha Jivika ko gaana sikhane?" Ritika asks wrapping her hand around Janki's neck who feels like losing her life.
(Did you let Jivika to go study? Did you let Jivika to go teach music?)
"Nahi na? To tujhe bhi hum yaha se jaane nahi denge. Teri laash tak ko yaha se kahi nahi jaane denge hum. Tere sharir se ek ek katra khoon jab tak hum nahi nikal lete tab tak tu kahi nahi ja sakti. Maut ke paas bhi nahi." Ritika roars before pushing Janki Rao along with the chair backwards making her fall with a thud.
(No, right? So I will not let you go from here. Even I will not let your corps go anywhere from here. Until I extract every drop of blood from your body you can't go anywhere. Not even hear death.)
"Remember one thing. Till now you have only known Jivika Rao but mark my words, you won't die till you meet Jivika Shivansh Singh Rathore. Because the new Jivika will show you why she is the Queen of Rajasthan. Not only that, the people of Rajasthan will show you what they can do for their Rani Sa." By saying this Ritika sends a kick into Janki Rao's stomach and then leaves the room.
"Are they alive?" Adwait asks handling a wet towel to Ritika who wipes her face to clear of the sweats.
"Of course they're. They won't die so easily because I want them to meet the new Jivika." Ritika replies tossing the towel to one of their men.
"But do you think Shivansh will agree with this?" Adwait asks.
"I don't know but I have a feeling that he won't deny either." Ritika replies before both of them walks out of the building.
Jivika is busy in packing Shivansh's bag as he will be leaving tomorrow morning. Although she isn't happy with her husband going away but she also understands that the meeting must be important for the business. Suddenly a box appears before her making her startle but soon she realises that Shivansh is standing behind her holding the box.
"Yeh kya hein?" Jivika asks taking the box in her hands.
(What is it?)
"Aap khud hi dekh lijiye." Shivansh replies sitting on the bed.
(You see for yourself.)
Jivika starts unwrapping the box slowly but excitedly to see exactly what's inside. However, her eyes widen seeing the things inside because they're looking like chocolates but leaves are sticking out of them. So, she looks at her husband with pouty lips who chuckles knowing well that he has put her in a dilemma.

"These are chocolate covered strawberries and strawberry is a fruit." Shivansh replies the unasked question of his Rani Sahiba who looks at the things inside the box with excitement.
"Can I eat them?" Jivika asks excitedly.
"No, give them to Eklavya." Shivansh jokes but instantly regrets seeing the excited look turns into sadness on his wife's face.
"Rani Sahiba, if I have given you the box then it's for you to eat. Why are you getting sad now?" Shivansh asks taking the box out of Jivika's hands and puts it on the bed before wrapping his arms around Jivika's waist.
"What happened? And don't lie to me." Shivansh says while Jivika plays with the buttons of her husband's shirt.
"Bua used to give me fruits in bowl but when I tried to eat thinking she had given it for me, she used to snatch away the bowl and started eating them in front of me." Jivika replies with a sigh.
"But I will never do that. You know that, right?" Shivansh asks softly to which Jivika nods her head in response.
"Then don't think about what happened in your past. Just concentrate on your present and the coming future because no one will be able to snatch anything from you ever again." Shivansh says with determination before he picks one of the chocolate covered strawberries from the box and feeds it to Jivika who's eyes lit up with the taste.
"I am going to share it with Eklavya." By saying this Jivika picks up the box and runs out of the room.
"Rani Sahiba stop running!" Shivansh shouts but like everytime it falls into deaf ears making him sigh.
Soon enough Jivika reaches Eklavya's room and she opens the door without knocking out of excitement to share the sugary snacks. But her excitement turns into confusion seeing the frightened look on her younger brother-in-law's face who tries to hide a bottle yet it slips out of his fingers and falls down on the floor.
Jivika walks inside the room and picks up the small bottle to see what it is. But Eklavya snatches it before she can read the description.
"Wh-a-a-t are you doing here, Bhabhi?" Eklavya asks putting the bottle inside his pant's pocket.
"What are you hiding, Eklavya?" Jivika asks because she isn't feeling good seeing the bottle. As if she can sense something going on with her brother-in-law who tends to keep himself inside his room most of the time.
"N-N-o-o-thing, Bhabhi. Why will I hide?" Eklavya asks not making eye contact with Jivika and it confirms to Jivika that whatever she is feeling isn't delusional.
"I know I am not much older than you but still I consider you as my little brother, Eklavya. So, if you really consider me as your elder sister too then please tell me what's going on. I am getting a feeling that you're not okay. Please don't hide anything from me." Jivika requests gently and that's all take for Eklavya to break down into tears. He slides down on the floor putting his head between his knees.
Seeing her brother-in-law's situation, Jivika quickly closes the door knowing that Eklavya may not want someone else from the family to see him in this condition.
"What happened, Eklavya? Why are you crying like this?" Jivika asks although she also wants to cry seeing her brother-in-law's condition.
"Bhabhi, am I not good enough?" Eklavya asks between his crying.
"Why are you asking such question? Has anyone said anything to you?" Jivika asks running her hand over Eklavya's head.
"Bhabhi, I have always tried to be like my siblings as they are so good in studies and many other things. But no matter how much I try, I am not able to become like them. Everyday I think that I will study hard and get good marks. But my marks are decreasing in every exams. Now even the professors in college have started saying that they have no expectations from me. I don't know what else I should do to become better." Eklavya narrates while he wipes his tears with the back of his hands.
"Look at me, Eklavya." Jivika says softly making her brother-in-law to look at her instantly.
"You know what happened to me, how I was not allowed to study, right? But still I never gave up. I tried to continue my studies even after getting harsh beatings from my Dadi and Bua. But despite all this I never topped in my class. Not because I wasn't a good student, because being top was never my dream. I agree that your siblings are very good in studies but that doesn't mean that you too have to become like them. Be yourself, create your own identity. It is very easy to be like someone but creating your own identity is not that easy. I don't know what is in that bottle or why you are hiding it from me, but promise me that from today onwards you will not even touch that bottle." Jivika says while Eklavya keeps looking at his sister-in-law who seems so innocent but in reality she is too mature for her age.
"From today onwards, Eklavya will do whatever his Bhabhi wants. Because I have to create my own identity only because of you." Eklavya replies throwing his hands around Jivika who rubs his back gently feeling content that now her brother-in-law's mood is better.
On the other hand, Shivansh feels proud hearing the conversation between his little brother and his Rani Sahiba. He isn't mean to eavesdropping but he just comes here to see what's taking Jivika so much time. However, when he hears the conversation going inside the room he stops himself from going inside. He never knew that his brother is suffering so much but he is thankful to his wife who has handled the situation perfectly.
"You may be young in age. But your thoughts are greater than your age. Whether you are able to understand it or not but I am able to understand the meaning of the words said by Kul Purohit Ji about you. You're really going to be the best Queen of our kingdom, Rani Sahiba." Shivansh thinks in his mind.
I write with passion and try to make it as great as I can. However, I would like to earn some money to be able to atleast pay for some of the things related to my studies.
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