Shivansh and Jivika walk toward their booked table before sitting down on the chairs from across each other. A few minutes later a waiter arrives there to take their orders to which Shivansh orders for him as well as his Rani Sahiba. Because Jivika doesn't like to read through the menu to select anything so she let her husband do the job for her.
When the waiter leave from there, Shivansh puts his hands over Jivika's hands which is kept on the table making Jivika to look at him.
"What happened, Rani Sahiba?" Shivansh asks noticing the hesitation on Jivika's face.
"Shiv, if you don't mind me asking but who was that man?" Jivika asks timidly as she doesn't want to interfere in any kind of rivalry her husband has with anyone. Because she believes in peace, not any kind of violence.
Shivansh already knows that his curious wife will want to know about Rudra Khanna. So, he is prepared to answer any of her questions. Also, he has already hidden many things from her but not anymore.
"He is Rudra Khanna, the CEO of Khanna Enterprises. He is one of my rivals in the business world. But his rivalry doesn't end there with me. He is involved in the Underworld too and wants to take my place as the Mafia King." Shivansh answers making Jivika tense.
"He won't harm you, right?" Jivika asks looking at Shivansh with worry written all over her face.
"I don't want to give you any false assurance saying that he can't. Because we shouldn't take our enemy so lightly." Shivansh replies while Jivika's hold tightens on his hands.
"Then why don't you stop him, Shiv? You have so much power as the King. Please Shiv I don't want to lose you." Jivika pleads while the thought of something happening with her husband is making her feel too scared to even describe.
"Rani Sahiba, please calm down." Shivansh says caressing Jivika's right cheek lightly with his left hand.
"One thing you need to remember is that whenever I do something, there is a reason behind it. If I am not doing anything to Rudra Khanna then there is a big reason behind it." Shivansh remarks while giving an assuring smile in his Rani Sahiba's direction.
"What reason are you talking about?" Jivika asks but then the waiter comes there with the food. So, Shivansh first sends the waiter away and then starts serving food on his plate. Because he knows he will be feeding his wife as she will be too concentrated on his words to eat properly.
Shivansh starts narrating everything to Jivika while feeding her. Meanwhile, Jivika listens to everything with her full concentration. She doesn't forget to ask questions in the middle when she feels curious about something. By the end, both of them are done having lunch. But still Jivika's curious mind is not at ease because something is still bugging her mind.
"Shiv, have you noticed the way he was looking at me?" Jivika asks making Shivansh to clench his fists tightly because he has seen everything. He wanted to kill that Khanna right there for looking at his Rani Sahiba with his filthy eyes. But he couldn't give him so easy death.
"I have seen, Rani Sahiba. You know right that my eyes and ears are everywhere, don't you?" Shivansh asks making Jivika to scoff in response.
"How can I forget? I still remember how you were the first one to notice of me wearing only white color clothes after arriving in the palace. But you know what? You could have greeted me first and then asked the question. But no, you had to ask me directly. Do you know I was so embarrassed afterward?" Jivika says glaring at her husband who has an amused smile on his face.
"At least you should thank me, Rani Sahiba. I had noticed something that was making you sad for so many years." Shivansh remarks playfully. But Jivika has a small smile on her lips remembering what happened a few months ago.
"I am always going to be thankful to you, Shiv. You have brought back colors in my life and, with that a lot of happiness too." Jivika says looking at her husband who is staring back at her with a smile on his face.
"If I have brought a lot of happiness in your life then you have given me a lot of reasons to feel happy, Rani Sahiba." Shivansh replies kissing the back of Jivika's hand making her blush.
Fifty girls who are imported from India have finally reached the US, in the base house of the American Mafia. Their face is covered so that they can't see anything or anyone's faces.
Mr. William stands in front of the girls looking at them from head to toe as if to analyse something. He puts his face in the crook of one girl's neck and takes a big whiff closing his eyes like the smell of sweat.
"Delicious.." The old man remarks licking his lips while his men have nasty smirks on their faces.
Meanwhile, none of the girls even flinch a bit. Because that's how they're trained to behave during this kind of situation. They are the best fifty female cadets who have trained under Ritika Singh Rathore.
They are sent here to get information about the American Mafia and also to kill the people who are going to buy them in the auction that is going to be held soon. They are here to wipe out the important Allies of the American Mafia.
The girls who were selected by Rudra Khanna are now safe hands of Ritika who has rescued them very cleverly. But they are kept hidden so that by no means Rudra Khanna can get to know about their whereabouts.
"Get them in the basement and let them stay there for tonight. The doctor will arrive tomorrow to check their virginity. If they're indeed virgins then it's good. But if not then it won't neither good for them nor for that Khanna boy." Mr. William orders his right-hand man and walks away leaving the girls with his men.
The next day Jivika is busy making homemade treats for Hulk as she wants to make him feel special. She has seen Eklavya giving him store-bought treats so she has thought of making homemade treats. If everyone can have homemade things then her furry companion will have homemade things.
"Hulk, you know last night I saw on YouTube how to make these treats. I am sure you're going to love them." Jivika says putting the mixture in the ice moulds. Meanwhile, Hulk's tail is wiggling nonstop rapidly feeling excited to eat whatever his favorite person is making for him.
"Now we just need to refrigerate them for a few hours. Then you can eat them and give me your review, okay?" Jivika says while Hulk barks excitedly in response making Jivika giggle happily.
"What's happening here, Jivi?" Ritika asks walking inside the kitchen.
"I am making homemade frozen treats for Hulk." Jivika replies while Ritika looks at Hulk with stink eyes.
"You get my best friend's attention more than me. Now I know why Shivansh Bhaiya gets jealous of you." Ritika remarks looking at Hulk who growls lowly making her eyes widen.
"Did you just growl at me, Hulk?" Ritika asks putting her hands on her hips while Hulk turns his face other way as if he isn't interested talking with her.
"Jivi, see he is ignoring me. How dare of him to ignore me? The Ritika Singh Rathore!" Ritika exclaims dramatically looking offended.
"Both you and your big brother only know how to get offended by my baby. He doesn't even do anything to any of you." Jivika replies cooeing at Hulk who makes a sad face.
"Haa? So this dog is your baby? Then what about my big brother? What is he?" Ritika asks wiggling her eyebrows.
"You and your dirty mind. How can you compare a baby with your big brother? Have you seen how giant he is? He can never be a baby." Jivika replies rolling her eyes.
"Jivi, have you learned anything in these months or not? Baby is an endearment used for your loved ones. I am talking about that, not an actual baby." Ritika replies while Jivika gives her a confused look.
"But how to know if you love someone? I mean how do I know if I love Shiv?" Jivika asks making Ritika sighs.
"Frankly speaking I don't know exactly how you feel when you're in love with someone. But my sixth sense tells me that when I am in love with someone, I will want to be with that person all the time. I will want to make him happy just the way he will make me happy. I will want to cherish every moment with him because for me it will be one of the best things in our relationship. I will want to share my deepest secrets with me which I am not comfortable sharing with anyone. But most importantly, I will love him for his real self, not for the one he displays in front of everyone." Ritika narrates while Jivika listens to every word very keenly.
Jivika looks out of the window and stares at nowhere. Her mind is stuck on the words said by Ritika. She doesn't know if she loves Shivansh because this is a totally new feeling for her. Yes, she loves everyone in the family but the love a wife has for her husband is totally different kind of love.
She wants to spend every second of her life with her husband. She likes to make him happy just as he makes her happy. She likes to cherish every moment with him like he does. But most importantly she likes him for how real he is in front of her. He behaves so differently with her than how he behaves with the family members. While no one calls him with a nickname, he has let her give him a nickname.
Suddenly her eyes widen when realization is drawn to her. She turns around and looks at her best friend who is eating chips while sharing with Hulk.
"Riti!" Jivika screams making Ritika to drop the packet of chips on the floor getting frightened. Meanwhile, Hulk starts growling looking around for any kind of danger.
"What happened? Are you okay?" Ritika asks looking at Jivika from head to toe and then looks out of the window to see if she can find any threat.
"Riti, you're my favorite." Jivika exclaims with happiness hugging Ritika tightly who gets confused not knowing what happened to her bestie suddenly.
Hulk who has heard the word 'favorite' starts whining not liking how his favorite person is calling someone else her favorite. But apparantly his favorite person is totally busy praising her best friend for solving her dilemma.
"Okay, I guess that's a good thing. But why did you scream suddenly?" Ritika asks pulling away from the hug and then looks at Jivika who is grinning from ear to ear.
"I am in love, Riti. I am in love with my Shiv." Jivika says with a big smile on her face feeling so much happiness bubbling inside her
"Finally you understood, my dimwit bestie." Ritika says flicking Jivika on the forehead playfully who glares at her.
"I am not a dimwit. It's just took me a little more time to understand." Jivika replies rubbing her forehead.
Before Ritika can say anything, Jivika's phone starts ringing. So, she looks at the caller ID to see that it's Shivansh who is calling her. Instantly, blush spreads on her cheeks making them look rosy.
"Yes, Shiv?" Jivika asks receiving the call while Ritika nudges her in the arm playfully.
"Rani Sahiba, I want you to be ready by 6 PM. I will be taking you out for dinner." Shivansh says from the other side.
"Why?" Jivika asks.
"It's a date, Rani Sahiba. I hope that's enough reason. Now, I have to cut the call. See you tonight, bye." Shivansh replies.
"Okay, bye. Don't forget to have your lunch on time." Jivika says getting 'yes' in response before disconnecting the call.
"What does he want?" Ritika asks leaning against the kitchen counter.
"Umm, Shiv is going to take me out on a dinner date tonight." Jivika replies tucking a strand of hair behind her ear feeling shy.
"Oho, dinner date. Fine then let's go and select a perfect outfit for tonight." By saying this Ritika drags Jivika out of the kitchen while Hulk follows them behind with a sulking face because he still hasn't forgotten about the 'favorite' thing.
I write with passion and try to make it as great as I can. However, I would like to earn some money to be able to atleast pay for some of the things related to my studies.
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