"How can this be possible?" Adwait asks looking at the CCTV footage in the laptop.
"That's shocking for me too, Sir. Because more than an hour's footage is missing." Yug replies while Shivansh just stands beside staring at the laptop which is showing the footage of him coming out of the room with Jivika in his arms.
"That means we have a mole between us who is working for our enemy." Shivansh says after sometime.
It's been more than two hours that they're in the hospital and the doctor is still treating Jivika. Thankfully there is no poison left in her body but the doctor is doing more tests to ensure that nothing is wrong.
By now all the family members have gotten the news of Jivika being poisoned and they want to put a break on the party to come here in the hospital. But Shivansh has ordered that no one should come to the hospital now as he doesn't know what his enemy may have done to trap any of the family members.
"Yug, notify everyone that there will be an urgent meeting tomorrow. I think they have forgotten that I am still superior than everyone." Shivansh orders while Yug nods his head in response.
"Do you think Khanna is the one to do this?" Adwait asks Shivansh.
"There is not only Khanna who wants me gone. There are more of the termites and anyone can be the reason behind the silent attack on Rani Sahiba." Shivansh replies while his eyes are on the closed door of the hospital room where Jivika is kept.
"Sir, is there any maid or waiter hired from outside for the party?" Yug asks from making Shivansh and Adwait to look at him with surprise because this question has never crossed their minds.
"These things are handled by Maa and Chachi. So, I guess only they can tell us the answer." Shivansh replies and takes out his phone to dial his mother's number. But then the doctor walks toward him holding a file in her hands so Shivansh decides to call his mother later.
"Mr. Rathore, my assumption is true. We have found huge amount of Ketamine in her blood sample which is used by medical practitioners as an anaesthetic but many commoner uses it as an illegal drug. If it's taken in small amount, it won't cause much effects but if it's get used in high doses then a person can die by breathing problem, seizures or cardiac arrest. Thankfully, you have brought your wife here on time otherwise it would have been difficult to save her." The more Shivansh hears the words of the doctor the more he is loosing his cool on his temper. Because someone deliberately in his presence has tried to kill his Rani Sahiba which isn't something he will let go. He will hunt down everyone who is responsible for the state of his wife and then give them such cruel punishment that even death won't be able to save them.
"Is my wife out of danger completely?" Shivansh asks controlling his anger.
"Yes, she is out of danger. But still, I would like to keep her under observation for next 48 hours to see her recovery. Currently, she is unconscious but in a few hours she will gain consciousness. If you want you can meet her." The doctor replies and hands the file to Shivansh who nods in head in response. Shivansh opens the file and looks at the reports before he gives the file to Adwait.
"I want 100 times more than the amount of Ketamine is found in my wife's body." Shivansh orders while Adwait simply nods his head.
Shivansh then walks inside the hospital room where Jivika is resting. An IV drip is attached to Jivika's left hand while her eyes are closed. Shivansh sits in the right side of the bed in the chair available there.
For sometime Shivansh just keeps staring at Jivika without saying anything. Because he doesn't want to disturb the rest her body needs. Like always, he is keeping his calm around his Rani Sahiba. But only he knows the whirlwind of anger creating numerous waves of scenerio inside his mind where she could have lost the love of his life because of someone who isn't worthy enough to be called a human.
"You're not only a Queen for others, but you're also the Queen of my heart. So, I won't let anyone to snatch you from me and by any chance in future something like this happen again, then you'll punish them by yourself. They think that you're my weakest point but I know that you're my source of strength. So, you'll come back more stronger than before." Shivansh whispers looking at Jivika with a small smile present on his face.
Nearly four hours later, Jivika gains consciousness but the effect of the drug has still on her body. So, she isn't able to see or talk properly. The family members have arrived an hour ago after all the guests left the palace.
Meanwhile, Ritika has started to look through the CCTV footage to see if she can find any clue. She is like an Eagle from whom nothing can be hidden. She is known to observe things which takes other longer time for others. Suddenly, her fingers stop moving the touchpad of the laptop and her eyes fall on a waiter who looks familiar to her although only the side profile is visible in the footage. His movements look suspicious as if he is looking for something or someone specific. However, right there the next one hour's clips are vanished.
Ritika then dials her PA Lakshya's number and when he picks up the call, she orders him to find information about the waiter who can be seen in the CCTV footage.
"Have you found something, Tweety?" Adwait asks giving a cup of coffee to Ritika.
"I think I have got a clue but can't say anything before I get confirmation from Lakshya." Ritika replies while Adwait rolls his eyes hearing Lakshya's name which doesn't go unnoticed by Ritika.
"Why do you hate Lakshya, Scooby-Doo? The poor guy gets scared just by the mention of your name." Ritika remarks while Adwait smirks.
"I have never told him anything so why he is afraid of me, only he knows. You should ask him about it not me." Adwait replies shrugging his shoulders with an innocent smile on his face making Ritika to hit him on his forehead playfully.
"By the way, Shivansh has called for an underworld meeting tomorrow and has ordered all the leaders to be there." Adwait says.
"Well, it's good that a meeting is being held with these people because if we do something in the future with any of them, then we can say that we have given them warnings. Not only that, some of the old geezers need to go because they're only making things nasty with their old-mindes thinking." Ritika answers taking a sip of the coffee.
"Speaking of old geezer, what about the 49 girls that are still under the control of that William? Have you gotten any information about the girl who died?" Adwait asks the question that's been in his mind for s long time as he doesn't like to pry into others department of work.
"I am not able to contact any of them for the last two days. Not only this, the girl who has died, I have not even been able to find out the reason behind her death. Even other girls also don't know what caused their friend's death. All they know is that one day some people has come and the next day they heard that she has died. So, I am sure that it's not a simple death." Ritika replies while her hold on the cup gets tighten making Adwait to take the cup from her instantly.
"Get angry and take revenge but don't hurt yourself." Adwait says in a stern tone.
"Ay ay captain." Ritika replies with a salute.
Shivansh walks inside the hospital room the next afternoon where he finds Gitanjali feeding Jivika vegetable soup as per doctor's instructions. By seeing Shivansh, Jivika smiles at him and holds her hand towards him which doesn't have the IV drip connected.
"How are you feeling now, Rani Sahiba?" Shivansh asks after dropping a small kiss on Jivika's forehead.
"Feeling better than before." Jivika replies in a weak voice as she still feels a little dizzy.
"Don't worry, you'll get fully fit like before in a few days. Now finish the soup and take your medicine afterwards." Shivansh says caressing Jivika's head who looks at him with a frown.
"Where are you going?" Jivika asks softly.
"I have to attend an important meeting. I will be back in a few hours." Shivansh replies not telling the whole truth that's the meeting is with other Mafia leaders. Because then his Rani Sahiba will get worried which is not good for her health right now.
"Pinky promise?" Jivika asks holding out her pinky finger.
"Pinky promise, Rani Sahiba." Shivansh replies before linking his pinky finger with Jivika.
Shivansh then leaves the room after bidding goodbye to Jivika and Gitanjali before making his way out of the hospital. Ritika and Adwait are already waiting outside leaning against their cars. The three of them get inside their cars and soon enough they are on the road towards the warehouse where the meeting is held.
Nearly one hour later, they reach in front of an extremely secluded area which doesn't have any other properties around apart from the abandoned looking warehouse. The three of them gets out of the cars and start walking inside the warehouse which is surrounded by numerous numbers of guards. The warehouse which looks abandoned from outside in actual look totally different from inside. It's like a luxurious house with all the modern equipments in it.
Just as they stand in front of the conference room, one of the guards open the door stopping all the conversation going inside when the people inside notice the deadly trio walking inside. Everyone stand up from there place to show respect although some of them hate Ritika's presence in the meeting as she is the only female to be here.
Shivansh takes his place as the head of the table while Adwait sits on his right hand and Ritika sits on his left side showing them superior after the Mafia King. For sometime Shivansh doesn't say anything, he just keeps on stare at the leaders in front of him which makes others uncomfortable as well as scared not knowing exactly why the sudden meeting is called for.
"I have not come here to talk about anything useless because I don't have thar much time. So, I will directly come straight to the point and it will be better if all of you pay attention to this." Shivansh says in such an icey-tone that sends shiver down everyone's spine except Adwait and Ritika.
"I have said it long time ago that there will be no smuggling of illegal drugs or humans in the underworld. But it seems like you people have no desire to do what I say. And before anyone tells me that they are not doing any illegal work, let me tell you that I have proof against everyone, so keep your mouth shut." Shivansh remarks glaring at some people who goes to protest but they immediately get quiet hearing the unspoken threat in the King's voice.
"Yesterday was Diwali and on that occasion a party was organised at my palace where someone tried to kill my wife by giving her an illegal drug." Shivansh informs making everyone's eyes widen because it's not a simple task to do for any ordinary people.
"But King, I don't think anyone from here have done this. Afterall, your wife is our Queen and we don't hurt innocent women." One of the oldest leader says making Ritika scoff in response.
"Yes sure you don't hurt innocent women and that's why your son is marrying for the third time after his last two wives mysteriously died." Ritika remarks making the old man glares at her as if it will scare the advocate.
"Because of girls like you, the rest of them have also gone mad. They also think that they are capable of running an underworld mafia. But in reality, you are only capable of doing household chores and serving your husband in b-" Everyone gulps in fear when a bullet straight enter inside the old man's mouth making him stop mid-sentence while blood splatter around.
"I hate it when people make unnecessary remark especially about women's capabilities." Ritika says putting her revolver on the table while leaning against her chair.
The few people who also think that Ritika shouldn't be involved in Underworld matters, decide to be quiet not wanting the same fate as their partner who is now lying on the ground unconscious. They understand the power the Princess of Rajasthan holds in her palm, not only because of her older brother but because of her sharp mind.
"My wife is in hospital right now because of some coward who thinks they are powerful by harming my wife. I don't know who all are involved in this case among the people present in this room, but if I get any clue that any of you people are involved then even God won't be able to save you from my hands. Also, take this as my last warning that no illegal smuggling is allowed and if you still do then be ready to say goodbye to your life." Shivansh snaps while his eyes are dark in anger.
"King, I understand that you're worried about your wife. But just because of her you can't put us under the radar." Another person says arrogantly who is known as a womanizer.
"She is my Rani Sahiba and it's not just a nickname. It means that her status is much higher than me and her status being higher than mine means her status is higher than everybody else. If she gets even a small scratch I lose my temper and someone has tried to kill her by giving her poison. Then just think how much cruel my punishment is going to be for that person who is behind it." Shivansh says glaring at the man who starts sweating just seeing the way King is looking at him with fire blazing in his eyes.
"Not only that, she is my little sister and Ritika's best friend. So, you can guess the amount of torture that person is going to receive." Adwait remarks while getting up from his place and starts walking towards the man who behaved arrogantly a few minutes ago. He stops right behind the chair where the man is sitting and slite his throat from behind making the man's eyes widen. But poor thing doesn't get to react because Shivansh shots him in the middle of the forehead.
"Today we have come to give warning because next time there won't be any warning. Only a slow, torturous death will be the final answer." Shivansh says glaring at the so-called leaders who bow down there heads instantly.
I write with passion and try to make it as great as I can. However, I would like to earn some money to be able to atleast pay for some of the things related to my studies.
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