Tara opens the basement door where Ritika is being kept and walks inside not having any idea that she is directly walking into the Eagle's clutch. She locks the door from inside not wanting any disturbance when she starts torturing the Princess of Rajasthan.
Tara stands in front of Ritika and goes to kick Ritika in the rib. But before the kick can land on Ritika, Ritika holds Tara's leg and tugs her down harshly making her fall on her butt. Tara's eyes widen when her eyes collide with Ritika's who has now get up on her feet effortlessly as if she isn't tortured. Tara opens her mouth to shout but Ritika punches her face breaking her nose instantly.
"Keep your mouth close. Otherwise, it won't take me long to break all the teeth of yours." Ritika threatens glaring at Tara who is now holding her broken nose while blood is coming out of her nose.
However, it seems Tara is thinking herself as a brave person so she gets up from the floor and tries to runs away. But Ritika holds her hair from behind making her scream because she is feeling like her hair can come out of the roots anytime. Ritika kicks in the back on Tara's knee making her drop on the floor but still she keeps struggling to get out of Ritika's grasp.
"Why are you running away today? You were hitting me the other day so come on fight me today also." Ritika remarks while pulling Tara's hair with so much force that some of the extension comes out making Tara to feel like her scalp is being ripped off.
"Phew! Just as your good girl nature is fake, your hair is fake as well." Ritika says dropping the hair strands on the floor.
"Rudra Sir and Mr. William will not leave you if he finds out that you are harming me." Tara threatens not ready to give up yet.
"Don't give me any threats using those spineless persons name. If you think that they will be able to save you or themselves then you are highly wrong." Ritika replies and starts pulling Tara in a corner of the basement by putting a hand over Tara's mouth prevailing her from screaming anymore.
Although the basement is soundproof but Ritika doesn't want to take any risk. She drops Tara on the floor while glaring at her indirectly threaten to keep her mouth shut.
"Now, you will tell me where the 49 girls are. Because if you don't then I won't hesitate to snap your neck and you should know that I am not bluffing." Ritika says glaring at Tara who has now tears streaming down her face. She is feeling utterly confused on where their planning has gone wrong.
"I don't have all the time." Ritika snaps making Tara to flinch in fright.
"They are locked up in the three different basements of Allies of Mr. William. One of them turns out to be a spy so after killing her, Mr. William has ordered to keep the remaining girls locked up and torture them." Tara answers trembling in her place as she can feel that her end is near.
By hearing Tara's words, Ritika is now understanding why she isn't able to contact the girls or getting any information about them. Ritika then holds Tara's head and bangs it in the wall making Tara to lose consciousness because of the hit.
"I need to inform Shivansh Bhaita about this. Because I can't rescue the girls by staying here." Ritika thinks to herself and walks in front of the other wall where she has hidden the phone. She takes out the phone and sends a text to Shivansh's phone describing about what she has found out.
On the other hand, Shivansh has received the text from Ritika which makes him change his plans a little. He decides the send Kavyansh and Adwait with some of his men to rescue the girls after he tracks the location where they are held hostage, while he will go with other men where Ritika and Jivika is being kept.
Shivansh tells his plan to Kavyansh and Adwait who immediately leaves the hotel with the men as they have taken enough rest after the long journey of more than 20 hours. Meanwhile, Shivansh also leaves the hotel along with his men and the dogs who are looking very much calm.
Brijesh and Jivika have successfully hidden the unconscious body of Mr. William inside the closet after Brijesh narrated everything that he knows to Jivika. At first, Jivika has gotten angry because she can't believe that so many things has been hidden from her. But then she understands that it's the matter of Underworld and that's why she isn't aware of anything. Yet, she isn't going to let her husband, her best friend and older brother get away without any punishment.
Brijesh then receives a call from Ritika informing him about Shivansh's arrival. She also talks with Jivika who doesn't hesitate to scold her bestie for pulling such stunt.
"Jivi, now listen to me carefully. I have 100 men spread out in the warehouse for our protection. You will get out of the room with Brijesh and reach his room because you need to stay hidden. Although Tara and William is in our holds but that Khanna is still out of our reach. We need to take down as many as men of our enemy till Bhaiya's arrival." Ritika tells Jivika on the phone.
"You don't worry, Riti. We will do as you are telling us. But what if someone come to look for the old man or Tara?" Jivika asks biting her lips in anticipation.
"My men have already taken place of William's men place on 3rd, 4th and 5th floor. So, they will handle if anything happens there. Also, Khanna is in the 2nd floor along with his another partner which will be taken care of me. Shivansh Bhaiya will be here in half an hour so we just need to hold the enemy for time being." Ritika replies tucking two guns in the back of the waistband of her jeans.
"Okay then we are going out of the room." Brijesh says and Ritika disconnects the call from other side.
Brijesh looks at Jivika who nods her head and soon enough both of them walk out of the room while Ritika's men bow their heads slightly seeing their Rani Sa. Brijesh is again surprised seeing the blank look on Jivika's face as if a few minutes ago she wasn't looking tensed. But he has also realised that indeed there is a big change in the personality of the old Jivika and the new Jivika.
On the other hand, Rudra is looking at the CCTV footage of the warehouse which is from inside look nothing more than a mansion. But something seems wrong to him. Although it's showing live but still he isn't able to believe whatever he is seeing. Because from what he knows about Ritika, he doesn't think Ritika can remain unconscious for so long. Not only this, till now he has not received any news that Shivansh or any of his men have gone out of India in search of the Princess and Queen of Rajasthan.
So, Rudra orders Mr. William's right hand man to look into the matter. But much to his disappointment they can't get any report of mishap.
"Shivansh isn't a person to keep quiet and not do anything in such situation. I think he is planning something big." Mr. Puri remarks who is sitting across from Rudra in Mr. William's cabin.
"I am thinking the same thing. Something so big has happened and they are so calm as it they don't care what will happen to the Princess and the Queen. On top of that, William and Tara aren't even coming back yet." Rudra replies dialling Tara's number which is going to voicemail directly making him frown.
However, before he can react the William's right hand man barges in the cabin panting heavily. Seeing the distress look on the man's face, Rudra and Mr. Puri gets up from their places.
"What happened to you?" Mr. Puri asks.
"Mr. Khanna, the King is here." The man informs while Rudra gets shocked because he wasn't expecting something like this.
"Release the wolves and go look for your Boss. He can fuck the girl later as much as he wants." Rudra orders making the man rush out of the room while he looks at the live CCTV footage of outside to see that only their men are present. But he can't believe this anymore so he takes out the binoculars and looks out of the window using them.
"Fuck! We are being played." Rudra yells out looking at the walking figure of Shivansh and the army of his men.
"What do you mean, Mr. Khanna?" Mr. Puri asks wiping his forehead with a handkerchief getting worried.
"The live CCTV footage is false. It's showing that everything is under control but that Shivansh is walking towards the warehouse." Rudra replies smashing the laptop on the floor.
"We are going to die. He will kill us for sure." Mr. Puri states looking like he is going to faint.
"He won't because we still have his weakness under our control." Rudra remarks again looking out of the window to see that the wild wolves are standing in front Shivansh and his men making him smirk. But then his smirk turns into a frown seeing not one but two big dogs standing in front of the wolves.
Shivansh orders the driver to stop the car at a good distance from the warehouse. Because he isn't going to alert his enemy although it doesn't matter much. He gets out of the car along with Hulk and Shardul. The three of them start walking towards the warehouse in calculative steps while the men of Shivansh's, follow them from behind.
However, before they can go inside 15 wild wolves appear in front of them and starts growling showing their canines. Shivansh and the men goes backwards letting Hulk and Shardul to take the lead.
Both the giant dogs stand side by side with very quiet stance. Their tails are stiff as rock while their ears are pushed forward looking at the growling wolves silently. They are trained to stay still till their opponent do the first attack and just as a brown wolf runs to them, Shardul takes a hold of its neck and throws it away not before taking out a large chunk of meat from the neck.
Seeing their pack member getting hurt, the other wolves jump on Hulk and Shardul. But much to their dismay they can't handle the fighting skills of the two dogs who are trained for such situation. Especially Shardul who has fought wolves during his training camp making him more skilled in handling this animal.
However, the wolves aren't backing away too. The more members they are losing the more agressive they are getting. One of the wolf bites Shardul on the hind leg but it can't do much damage because of the thick fur of Shardul. Shardul then turns around swiftly and growls so loudly that all the wolves stop their attack before sitting down on the ground feeling the dominance of 'the lion' of dog breeds.
On the other hand, Hulk has injured the black wolf which is the leader of the pack so badly that the animal is hanging between life and death. Hulk isn't someone to show mercy on his prey. So, he snaps the neck of the black wolf right in front of its pack members making them whimper.
Seeing the opportunity in their side, Shivansh signals his men to move forward who nod their heads and runs ahead to fight the men of the enemy. Meanwhile, Shivansh pats the heads of Hulk and Shardul who are standing in a fighting position. Out of 15 wolves, only four wolves are left because others are dead already.
"Both of you, keep your eyes on them. I am going inside to get your favorite persons." Shivansh remarks making Hulk and Shardul to growls lowly in response.
Shivansh then starts walking in the direction of the warehouse in between the fighting going on around. One man tries to stop him only to get a kick on his balls. Then another two appears and goes to punch Shivansh, but Shivansh takes hold of their fists and twists their wrists in the different direction breaking their bones instantly.
Meanwhile, Ritika has come out the basement and fighting anyone who tries to stop her. She has already killed more than 20 men alone and now she is heading towards where she knows Rudra is hiding.
On the other hand, Brijesh and Jivika has come out of his room after getting ordered by Ritika. But Brijesh is getting scared seeing the men in front of them who are looking ready to kill. However, unexpectedly it's Jivika who slash one of the man on his face when he tries to kick Brijesh. The other men then go to kill them but before they can do it, Ritika's men arrive their and starts fighting the men of the enemy.
Taking this as perfect chance, Jivika tells Brijesh that they need to get out of here and reach downstairs where Ritika is handling the men there. Both of them runs down the stairs because they can't take the risk to get into the elevator knowing well that the enemy is fully aware about the attack from inside and outside.
However, suddenly the whole area becomes fully dark as the lights get switched off stopping the fight going on.
I write with passion and try to make it as great as I can. However, I would like to earn some money to be able to atleast pay for some of the things related to my studies.
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