"I am thinking about something." Shivansh says looking at Varenya who is busy playing with the dogs and Kiyansh.
"What is it?" Kavyansh asks sending a text message to his best friend who is one of the best psychologists in the country right now.
"Varenya Bhabhi is older than me. Well, she is older by a few months but still older. So, what should I call her? I mean if I call her Bhabhi then I have to tell her the reason as well and the way her mind works, I am sure she will give me another nickname which I don't want at all." Shivansh replies making Adwait to click his tongue in frustration.
"At least she doesn't call you uncle. But here I am having identity crisis because of her although we are same age with her being 3 days younger than me." Adwait remarks while Kavyansh bites his lips to stop himself from laughing.
"But still, you can easily call her Varu while I can't do that. She is my older brother's would be wife which means she is older to me in relationship wise too." Shivansh says with an expression as if they are discussing about a very big topic.
"What do you mean by that? Kavyansh Bhaiya is my older brother too." Adwait argues back.
"But like Jivika is your sister, you can treat Varenya Bhabhi like that as well. So, basically you are their older brother." Shivansh remarks to which Adwait can't disagree.
"Let me solve it for you." Kavyansh tells Shivansh who nods his head.
"Varenya, I have to tell you something." Kavyansh remarks making Varenya as well as others to look at him.
"Yes, Mister Prince?" Varenya asks fumbling with her fingers.
"Adwait calls you Varu, right?" Kavyansh asks making Varenya to nod her head.
"But Shivansh doesn't want to call you that." Kavyansh says while Varenya looks at Shivansh with furrowed brow.
"Varu is Varu for everyone, Scary Man." Varenya says in a 'duh' tone while others chuckle seeing the dilemma on Shivansh's face.
"Yes, I know that. But just like you call me Scary Man, I also want to call you something else other than Varu." Shivansh replies while shrugging his shoulders.
Varenya makes a thinking face by tapping her chin a few times with her right hand's index finger before nodding her head in agreement. She then looks at Shivansh and shows his a thumbs up who let out a sigh of relief.
"I will call you Varenya Bhabhi." Shivansh says while everyone looks at Varenya to see what she will reply.
"I will call you Varu Tai." Jivika says distracting Varenya to think more on the 'Bhabhi' word.
"But Varu doesn't know the meaning of Tai." Varenya replies looking helplessly at Jivika making others to feel bad for her. But they need to try new things for her get used to the new environment, especially the family members.
"Tai means a tall person and you are taller than me. So, I am going to call you Tai from now on, okay?" Jivika asks looking at Varenya who nods her head in response not knowing that the real meaning of Tai is elder sister or who is like an elder sister in Marathi language.
"And Bhabhi means friends in our native language." Shivansh says because the relationship of Bhabhi and Devar is more like friends.
"Okay, Varu likes the nicknames so you can call Varu those." Varenya replies smiling brightly at Jivika and Shivansh.
"I will call you Varenya Bhabhi too." Ritika says making Varenya to nod her head in agreement.
It's nearly evening when Eklavya returns to the palace. He is so tired that he just wants to take a long nap. So, with that thought in mind he starts walking towards his room. But suddenly, he hears a kid's voice coming from the kitchen making his eyes widen in realization that Kavyansh has arrived home and suddenly all the tiredness is gone from his body. He runs towards the kitchen and stops in front of the door while looking at the small kid who is sitting on the kitchen counter with his back facing the door.
"Eklavya, when did you come back?" Jivika asks when she notices that her younger brother-in-law is standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
"I just came back, Bhabhi." Eklavya replies walking inside the kitchen while looking at Kiyansh who is also looking curiously at the new person.
"Are you my other Chachu?" Kiyansh asks excitedly.
"Phew! I can't believe I am finally seeing my nephew in front of me." Eklavya remarks looking at Kiyansh with a surprise expression.
"Are you not happy to see me here, Chachu?" Kiyansh asks when Eklavya doesn't answer his question properly.
"I am super happy to see you, buddy. Actually, I am still processing that I am not the youngest member of the family anymore and finally I have someone to teach how to play video games." Eklavya replies picking up Kiyansh in his arms.
"Wow, that's awesome. I have heard my school friends playing video games at home. But I never played because there wasn't anyone to teach me." Kiyansh says in a sad tone although there is a smile on his face.
Yet, both Eklavya and Jivika can feel the sadness Kiyansh is trying to hide behind the smile. But they decide not to comment on that because the kid don't need sympathy, he needs the love of his new found family.
"Now you are here so I will teach you everything I know about video games. Just let me get fresh and then we will start playing." Eklavya remarks kissing Kiyansh's on the cheek.
"Not at all. You will have a snack first because I know you didn't have lunch. After that you can play with Kiyansh as much as you want." Jivika orders sternly taking Kiyansh from Eklavya's arms.
"But Bhabhi, I am not hungry at all." Eklavya says but one glare from Jivika has him nodding his head quickly.
"Okay, I am a little hungry." Eklavya says with a defeated tone while Kiyansh giggles.
"Chachu, you are so scared of Angel Chachi." Kiyansh remarks wrapping his arms around Jivika's neck.
"Angel Chachi? Wow, that's a great name." Eklavya remarks ruffling Kiyansh's hair.
"Varu gives everyone nickname and she calls Jivika Chachi Angel. So, I have decided to call Jivika Chachi as Angel Chachi." Kiyansh says making Jivika to tickle his side while he starts laughing loudly.
"Does that mean she will give me a nickname too?" Eklavya asks.
"Definitely, she will give you a nickname too. So, be prepared for that." Jivika replies making Eklavya to gulp thinking what his Varenya Bhabhi is going to call him.
Kavyansh is looking through the file given by Meghna where Varenya's medical reports are kept together. He has to send the photos of the reports to his best friend so that the best Psychiatrist can be arranged for Varenya quickly. He hasn't gotten time to look at all the reports properly so he is reading them to understand as much as he can.
Suddenly, something falls out of the papers on the floor. So, Kavyansh picks it up to see that it's an envelope. He opens the envelope to see what's inside but as soon as he takes out a picture or most likely the sonography picture, tears brims in his eyes instantly. A few drops come out too but he quickly wipes them and keeps looking at the picture in his hand.
The guilt of not being with his Lotus will always be there in Kavyansh's heart no matter how much time pass. Because the time Varenya needed him the most by her side, he wasn't there to support her on the journey of parenthood. She has to go through all the pain, mood swings, changes in her body alone not knowing what's happening with her. He can't even imagine what must have gone through her mind when noticing the changes happening to her or how difficult it must be for Meghna to handle everything alone.
"Kavyansh..." Aaradhya calls out walking inside the room.
"Yes, Maa?" Kavyansh asks putting the picture inside the file and keeping it aside before turning around to look at his mother.
"Here is your herbal tea." Aaradhya says putting the cup on the centre table as Kavyansh is sitting on the couch.
"Thank you, Maa." Kavyansh replies because he really needs the tea to cure his headache.
Aaradhya then sits beside Kavyansh and runs her fingers through his hair while putting pressure on his scalp. Kavyansh closes his eyes in relief and then takes a sip of the tea.
"Varenya is such a cheerful person and Kiyansh is so mature for his age." Aaradhya remarks.
"Varenya isn't only cheerful but stubborn as well. About Kiyansh, I don't want him to be this mature at this age. He is just five year old but his way of handling situations, especially Varenya makes me speechless on how well he understands her." Kavyansh replies taking another sip of the tea.
"Kiyansh has to grow up more faster than his age because of the circumstances he lived. But now he will grow up the way all of you have grown up surrounded by love and care from the elders of the family. He is also the first child of the next generation so whatever we teach him, automatically his siblings or cousins will learn the same. So, we need to be careful on what he is learning because with time the method of raising a child also changes." Aaradhya says while Kavyansh nods his head understanding everything.
"You are right, Maa. It totally depends on us to teach him about good things as well as bad things too." Kavyansh replies.
"By the way, your Papa is saying that we should consult a psychologist too along side psychiatrist for Varenya." Aaradhya says.
"Samarth is coming back to India next week. So, I think we should wait for him because he will understand more about Varenya's situation." Kavyansh replies while Aaradhya nods her head.
"Well, at least now Samarth will get time to come here. It's been years since that boy has come here to meet us." Aaradhya complaints making Kavyansh chuckles.
"Maa, he is too busy with his clients that he doesn't get time. But now that he has heard about Varenya's situation, he is ready to leave all his work behind to start the proper treatment of Varenya." Kavyansh replies looking at his mother.
"Our Varenya is so special that no one can ignore her charm." Aaradhya remarks with a smile while Kavyansh feels grateful to have such supportive mother and family.
"Maa, are you really liking Varenya?" Kavyansh asks making his mother to look at him with the smile still evident on her face.
"There is nothing for me to dislike about Varenya and moreover I have never discriminated between my children. Nor that I will be doing in the future too. But yes, I am a little hurt that you didn't share anything about her all these years. You kept on suffering alone while I prayed to God for your well-being not knowing that my son was in so much pain." Aaradhya replies while Kavyansh lowers his head understanding his mother's pain of seeing him suffer.
"Please forgive me, Maa. I didn't want to hide anything from you or our family. But circumstances made me hide things which I knew that would have hurt you all." Kavyansh says holding his mother's hand feeling another reason of guilt addition to the chart.
"Don't distance yourself further from me by asking for forgiveness. Yes, I felt hurt after learning everything. But I also understand the pain you had suffered which wasn't easy to share with everyone. So, now we will not talk about old things anymore. Right now, our sole purpose should be getting Varenya better and giving Kiyansh a healthy environment to grow up. I have said it before and I am saying again that you are not alone anymore. You have two people's responsibility on you so you can't break down in small things." Aaradhya remarks and caresses Kavyansh's head lovingly.
Varenya opens her eyes and stretches her body after waking up from her nap. She gets up from her lying position and sits leaning against the headboard of the bed. She then looks around the room but when she doesn't see anyone, she gets a little scared. So, she grabs the rabbit soft toy in her hands and gets down from the bed.
"Mamoni!" Varenya calls out for Meghna but doesn't get any reply.
"Kiwi!" Again she calls out for Kiyansh looking here and there.
"Mister Prince!" This time she calls out for Kavyansh and when she doesn't get any reply tears starts welling up in her eyes.
"Where is everyone? Varu is scared." Varenya says just as a few drops of tears slide down her face.
Varenya then looks at the door and notices that it's not closed. So, she walks near it and opens the door more before walking out of the room. But then again she gets more scared seeing the long corridor not knowing which side she should go.
With wide eyes which are full of tears, trembling hands and stiff body in fear, Varenya starts walking in the right direction of the corridor. She is clutching the rabbit ears so tightly that it can rip open anytime. However, she notices a maid coming towards her which makes her hurry towards the maid in relief seeing someone.
"Varenya Bhabhi, why are you crying?" The maid asks Varenya as they are aware about her condition.
Although Varenya is scared of unknown person but the way the person in front of her calling her 'Bhabhi' which meaning is friend for her, she feels less scared and decides to reply so that she can go to her Mamoni, Kiwi or Mister Prince.
"Varu is lost." Varenya replies while more tears comes out of her eyes.
"Don't worry, Bhabhi. I will take you to Kavyansh Bhaiya. Come with me." The maid says gently while giving her hand to Varenya who holds it quickly.
A few minutes later they stand in front of a room and the maid knocks on the door. Soon enough, the door gets open while Kavyansh stands inside the room.
"Varenya..." Kavyansh says looking at his Lotus in confusion while Varenya rushes towards her Mister Prince and wraps her hands around his waist while burrying her face in his chest. Meanwhile, Kavyansh and the maid's eyes widen in surprise.
"Bhaiya, I have some works to complete." By saying this the maid leave from there smiling mischievously as she is ready to tell everything to her Rani Sa Jivika.
On the other hand, Kavyansh is surprised because his Lotus is hugging him willingly. He has been waiting to hold her in his arms since he has met her again. But he has never expected this to happen so soon, not that he is complaining though.
Kavyansh closes the door without locking it and wraps his arms around Varenya who has stopped crying. But it seems the sniffling isn't stopping anytime soon.
"Shh, stop crying. See, you are completely safe here and I am also with you so there's nothing for you to be scared of." Kavyansh says while running fingers his on Varenya's back in a soothing manner.
"Varu woke up from sleep but no one was in the room with Varu. So, Varu got scared that monsters would eat her." Varenya mumbles rubbing her nose on Kavyansh's chest as it's itching a little.
"Didn't you say in the dining table that Varu is a big girl?" Kavyansh asks looking down at his Lotus who lifts her head from his chest and looks at him with a pout.
"Yes, because Varu is a big girl." Varenya replies not understanding why Mister Prince is asking the question.
"Then you shouldn't get scared of the monsters. Big girls fight the monsters and shoo them away." Kavyansh says while Varenya shakes her head in response.
"Varu is a little baby so Varu can't fight anyone." Varenya replies and again puts her head on Kavyansh's chest making him smile.
"You can do many things, Lotus. You just don't remember anything. But it's alright because I am here to fight every monster you're scared of." Kavyansh thinks in his mind while he kisses the top of Varenya's head in affection.
I write with passion and try to make it as great as I can. However, I would like to earn some money to be able to atleast pay for some of the things related to my studies.
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