Everyone become alert seeing Varenya and most importantly Samarth who gets up from the couch knowing well that he is the stranger for Varenya. As a psychologist, Samarth can understand by looking at a person's eyes of what they may be thinking or making up in their mind. Not only that, he has heard enough from Kavyansh to know that Varenya is being extremely scared right now.
"Jivu, give me a cup of te-" Adwait who just walks into the living room can't get to complete his sentence as Varenya rushes towards him and hides behind him making him confused.
"Varu, what happened?" Adwait asks looking back at Varenya who points towards Samarth. Adwait then looks ahead and notices Samarth standing along with other family members.
"Varenya..." Kavyansh calls out softly making Varenya to peek from Adwait's back with a pout formed on her lips.
"What?" Varenya asks but doesn't come out of her hiding spot.
"Come here to me." Kavyansh says making Varenya to show her tongue in response.
"Varu will stay here with Adi Uncle." Varenya replies while Samarth smirks looking at Adwait who slumps his shoulders knowing well that another person is added to the list to tease the hell out of him.
"It's alright if you don't want to come here. Then again I will give the story books to Kavyansh which I have brought for you." Samarth says looking at Varenya and takes out a small book from his blazer while intentionally showing the colourful book cover.
"Kavyansh, you can keep it with you as Varenya doesn't want it." Samarth remarks handling the book to Kavyansh while Varenya frown wanting to have the colourful book.
"Mister Prince will share the book with Varu, right?" Varenya asks looking hopefully at Kavyansh.
"I will share it with you but for that you have to come here first." Kavyansh replies softly while Varenya looks at the family members for help.
"Varenya, don't you believe me?" Kavyansh asks in a sad tone.
"Noooooo, Varu believes Mister Prince the most but after Kiwi." Varenya replies and rushes towards where Kavyansh is standing. She quickly holds his left hand with both of her hands before standing beside him while frowning at Samarth.
"Kiwi, you come here too." Varenya tells Kiyansh who stands in front of his mother while looking at Samarth with a scowl present on his face.
"Who is he, Mister Prince?" Varenya asks playing with Kavyansh's fingers.
"He is Samarth, my best friend." Kavyansh replies looking down at Varenya with a soft smile.
"So, he isn't Varu's new teacher?" Varenya asks confusion everyone as they don't have any idea about what Varenya is talking about.
"Varenya Bhabhi, who told you that Samarth Bhaiya is your teacher?" Shivansh asks Varenya.
"Umm, Angel told Varu that a new teacher is coming here for Varu and Kiwi. So, Varu thought that Mister Prince's best friend is Varu's new teacher." Varenya answers while others realise that Jivika must have said this to distract Varenya from something else.
"Varenya, he is your and Kiyansh's teacher as well. But he isn't a bad teacher who will scold you. So, you don't have to be scared of him." Kavyansh says while Samarth nods his head in response.
"Kavyansh is absolutely correct. I am a very cool teacher. Here, see I have brought chocolates for you." By saying this Samarth takes out a big chocolate bar out of his blazer and gives it to Varenya whose eyes sparkle seeing the sugary goodness.
"Varu is thank you, Teacher Uncle." Varenya replies smiling brightly while taking the chocolate from Samarth who can only blink his eyes in response.
Meanwhile, Adwait smirks feeling satisfied that he isn't going to be the only one who will be called as uncle by Varenya anymore.
"Varu, you know he is my older brother too. So, you have given him a perfect nickname as Teacher Uncle." Adwait remarks standing beside Samarth who can't even say anything in return in front of Varenya.
"Really?" Varenya asks looking at Adwait and Samarth with wide eyes.
"Yes, absolutely. He is my sweet little brother." By saying this Samarth drop his hand over Adwait's shoulder with a forced smile on his face.
"That's good because you both look old enough to be uncles." Kiyansh remarks while this time Shivansh is the one to smirk. Because he is the younger one here apart from Eklavya.
"You just wait & watch, Mini Kavyansh." Samarth says smiling brightly which is totally fake at Kiyansh who rolls his eyes in response.
"Sorry but I have more important things to do other than wait & watch." Kiyansh replies surprising everyone because they are seeing this side of him for the first time and this reminds Kavyansh about none other than his Lotus. Because she used to be have this savageness in her before her parents sudden death.
"Now, I am thousand percent sure that he is Varenya's so" Samarth gets cut off in the mid-sentence by...
"Best friend, he is best friend of Varenya Bhabhi." Ritika says gritting her teeth while Kavyansh is glaring at Samarth who smiles sheepishly showing his dimples.
"Why are you guys standing? Come on sit and have tea." Jivika remarks arriving there with two maids.
Everyone sits down on the couches available in the living room while the maids serve tea to everyone except Varenya and Kiyansh who gets chocolate milk instead. Jivika sits beside Shivansh who links his fingers with her not caring if anyone is going to see because that's how he is. They are bounded in an arranged marriage but no one will be able to say this by seeing them with each other.
"Samarth, how are your parents?" Abhinav asks.
"Both of them are busy with their world tour." Samarth replies with a soft smile remembering about how his parents got emotional when first surprised them with their airplane tickets.
"It's great that they are finally enjoying their life. They have sacrificed a lot to give you and your sister proper education." Pratap says making Samarth to nod his head in response.
"That's why I am trying to give them all the happiness they deserve. Didi, Jiju will join them in the tour next week in Singapore with the kids and then they will return to Ludhiana together from there." Samarth replies.
Everyone has gone to their rooms after dinner. But there is one person who isn't able to sleep thinking about something horrible and that person is none other than Kiyansh. He sleeps with his Papa who tells him new story every night. But tonight he has just pretended to fall asleep so that his Papa can not understand his lie.
Kiyansh looks at his father who is sleeping beside him and then at Mishti who is sleeping at the carpet on the floor as she doesn't like sleeping on the bed. Kiyansh then very slowly get up from the bed and slides down the bed without making any noise.
He walks towards the door and again looks back to see if any of the two have woken up or not. When he sees that they are still sleeping, he quietly leaves the room. He then looks here and there to see if anyone is in the corridor. Not seeing anyone, he silently walks in the direction of the stairs which leads to the terrace of the palace.
Upon arriving in the terrace, he sits on the couch while pulling his knees closer to his chest. He looks at the sky which is full of stars but this doesn't bring any happiness to him. Because he may not show it but he misses having a normal mother who can love him like his friends' mothers do.
It's not that he does not love his mother or he does not care for her because he does more than he can describe. It is just that sometimes he feels that he has done something wrong and that is why God is punishing him.
He wants to call his mother as Mumma but he can't or it may cause her some harm. He wants to tell her every bad things some of his classmates have said about her. He wants to cry while hiding in her safe arms like other kids do with their mothers.
He very rarely cries because he has understood that he needs to be a strong person for his mother. He can't be a cry baby or his mother will get worried which isn't good for her health. He doesn't know what exactly happened to his mother, all he knows that she has fallen from the stairs one day and becomes like this.
But tonight he is feeling very scared after hearing about his admission to a new school during dinner time. His Princess Bua has found the best school for him and everyone including his Papa is very happy with the news. But he isn't a bit happy because he doesn't want to hear anymore bad things about his mother like he has done in his previous school.
"Ansh Baby..." Kavyansh calls out to his son who gets shocked seeing his father in front of him.
"Papa, what are you doing here?" Kiynsh asks looking scared while Kavyansh sits beside him.
"You tell me what you are doing here at this time. Also, why didn't you wake me up if you wanted to come here?" Kavyansh asks taking his son on his lap.
"I thought you were sleeping so didn't want to disturb you." Kiyansh replies looking down at his hands while Kavyansh understands that something is bothering his baby.
"You know everyone say that I am a good listener, even your Mumma used to say that too." Kavyansh remarks pulling his son close to his chest.
"Papa, will Mumma get better soon?" Kiyansh asks laying his head on his father's chest.
"Of course she will get better. Your Samarth Uncle is a big doctor and he is here to treat your mother. But baby, why are you asking this question suddenly? Did something happen?" Kavyansh asks feeling something is terribly wrong with the way his son has asked the question with so much sadness in his voice.
Kiyansh doesn't reply anything because he doesn't know how his father will take the things he has heard about his mother. Not only that, he has been hiding everything from his Didon so he can hide from his father as well.
"Ansh, look at me." Kavyansh says while looking down at his son who has tears streaming down his face but there is no emotion in his face as if he doesn't even know that he is crying.
"Baby, why are you crying? Now I am sure that you are hiding something from me." Kavyansh says and makes Kiyansh sits on his lap facing him so that he can see his face properly.
"Papa, I don't want to join school. Please, don't make me go to any new school." Kiyansh pleads while his lips start quivering badly.
"No one will send you anywhere without your wish. But, I thought you love studying." Kavyansh replies wiping his little face with the pads of his thumbs.
"I love to study, Papa. But I don't like it when others call my Mumma crazy." Kavyansh gets shocked hearing the words of Kiyansh.
"What are you talking about, Ansh? Who called your Mumma crazy? Baby, please tell me everything. I am your Papa and you should never hide things from me." Kavyansh remarks running his hand over his son's head who is still crying.
"In my old school, there were some older boys who used to tease me by calling me 'Paaglir Chhele' which means son of crazy. I didn't tell anyone about it at first but then those boys started to teach the same thing to my classmates too. After that, many started to call me with that name." Kiyansh replies looking sadly at his father who has tears in his eyes as well.
Kavyansh has known from the beginning that his son is matured than his age. But he didn't have the idea that deep down his son was going through this much.
"Why didn't you tell me this before, baby? I could have gone to your school and complaint against those kids to the principal of your school." Kavyansh says pulling Kiyansh close to his chest.
"I told my class teacher but she couldn't help me in this. Because one of the boys was the son of Principal Ma'am." Kiyansh mumbles rubbing his nose on his father's chest just like his mother does.
"I will take care of everything, baby. You don't have to worry about anyone saying anything bad to you anymore. Your Papa is here to keep you safe from everyone." Kavyansh says while kissing the top of his son's head.
Meanwhile unaware of the father-son, someone else has heard the whole conversation too and that's none other than Shivansh Singh Rathore, who is not only the King of Rajasthan but also the head of the Indian Underworld too. He is the ultimate protector of the family and whoever harm anyone close to him, they face more than hell.
Shivansh takes out his phone from his trousers pocket and sends a text to other two of his partners who are as deadly as him.
I write with passion and try to make it as great as I can. However, I would like to earn some money to be able to atleast pay for some of the things related to my studies.
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