"What happened to Varu?" Geetanjali asks as she is the first person to see Kavyansh walking inside the palace with an unconscious Varenya in his arms.
"Buaji, I don't know what happened. But please inform our family doctor to arrive here quickly." Kavyansh replies and hurriedly go towards Varenya's room while Geetanjali calls the doctor.
Kavyansh puts Varenya in the middle of the bed and then takes off her slippers so that he can rub her feet. But he gets worried when he finds her body being colder than usual.
"Kavyansh, what happened to her suddenly? You guys went outside for a stroll then how come she fainted?" Aaradhya asks sitting beside Varenya while checking her temperature.
"Maa, she was talking about her parents and suddenly fainted out of nowhere." Kavyansh replies looking too worried that his hands are shaking.
"Bhai, why are you stressing so much? Nothing will happen to Bhabhi." Shivansh says putting his hand on Kavyansh's shoulder understanding his brother's emotions very well.
"Let me check her." By saying this Samarth sits on the other side of Varenya and check her pulse rate by touching her wrist with his fingers.
"Her pulse rate is a little slow. But not much for us to worry. So, I guess she fainted because of putting too much pressure on her brain." Samarth remarks looking at Kavyansh who think about how Varenya was constantly asking about her parents' return.
"Kindly don't let Kiyansh see Anu like this. He may not show it but he gets scared seeing her in this type of condition." Meghna remarks while Jivika quickly walks out of the room to stay with Kiyansh who is playing video games in Eklavya's room.
"Has this happened to Varenya before?" Samarth asks Meghna.
"Yes, a lots of time whenever she gets hyper thinking about something. Be it talking about her parents or being left alone." Meghna replies.
Soon enough the family doctor arrives there and tell everyone to go out of the room except Kavyansh who isn't ready to leave Varenya alone. The doctor goes to protest but Shivansh shakes his head making her sigh knowing that she can't defy the King.
The doctor does all the necessary checkup and then attach a IV drip to Varenya's left hand's vein. She then injects a medicine in the IV bag which will help Varenya to regain her consciousness back quickly.
Meanwhile, Kavyansh keeps on running his hand over Varenya's head looking like he is holding back his tears. But no one should judge him as he has already been away from her for so many years and now seeing her unconscious, his mind isn't able to think properly.
"Sir, I don't want to pry in your personal life. But may I know exactly what happened to her before she fainted? I mean she isn't dehydrated and also her blood pressure is perfectly alright." The doctor remarks looking at the elder prince of the Rathore's.
Kavyansh then starts explaining Varenya's condition to the doctor as he knows that he can believe her. Because she has been working for the family for a long time. Not only that, she has signed a long-term NDA which prevents her from disclosing any details regarding the Royal family.
"It's good that you have your friend to guide you in this matter. Because I also agree with him that Varenya Ma'am needs a psychiatrist. By the way, I have prescribed some vitamins and protein medicines for her. Kindly, give her the medicines on time and let her take proper rest." The doctor says handling a prescription to Kavyansh.
"Thank you so much for coming here in such short notice." Kavyansh replies.
"It's my duty to be available for my patients. I will be taking my leave now." The doctor says while bowing her head a little in respect and leaves the room while Aaradhya along with Meghna walks inside.
No one say anything but they keep staring at Varenya's sleeping form with a sad look mirroring their faces. Especially, Meghna because she has seen Varenya growing up in front of her eyes and too see her like this, breaks her heart everytime just imagine the old Varenya who used to be so full of life.
"Maa, Aunty you two stay here. I will go and have a talk with Samarth." By saying this Kavyansh gets up from the bed and leaves the room.
Nearly two hours later Varenya regain her consciousness but she becomes restless not seeing her Kiwi or her Mister Prince beside her. Meghna tries to make her calm down but Varenya doesn't listen to her while Aaradhya dials Kavyansh's number to inform him about Varenya.
"Anu, calm down. See here is your favourite toy." Meghna says showing the rabbit soft toy to Varenya but she shakes her head in rejection.
"Varu wants Kiwi and Mister Prince." Varenya pleads while tears stream down the side of her face as she is lying on the bed.
"They are coming. But first stop crying, beta." Aaradhya says while wiping Varenya's tears with her hand.
"Varu!" Kiyansh calls out walking into the room along with Kavyansh who has already informed his son what happened to Varenya.
"Kiwi..." Varenya says making grabby hands towards her son who quickly sits beside her while putting her head on his lap.
"Eto kannar ki holo, Varu? Tumi to ekta bhalo meye aar bhalo meye der ebhabe kannakati korte nei." Kiyansh remarks in Bengali language confusing Aaradhya but not Kavyansh who has heard Varenya talking in her native language a lot of time.
(What's with crying so much, Varu? You're a good girl and good girl shouldn't to cry like that.)
"Bhoy pauar to kichhu hoyni. Ami achhi, Papa achhe aar baki sobai achhe." Kiyansh asks running his fingers through Varenya's hair while she slowly nods her head in response.
(There is nothing to be scared of. I am here, Papa is here and everyone is here as well.)
"Mister Prince..." Varenya says looking at Kavyansh with sad, tired eyes.
"I am here with you, Lotus. You take rest because you need that right now." Kavyansh replies sitting beside Varenya while he caresses her fingers softly.
Varenya doesn't say anything in response but keep looking at Kavyansh with sad eyes as if trying to tell him how much she is hurting inside. Meanwhile, Kavyansh feels like something is killing him from inside seeing the look on his Lotus's face. He knows that the way of recovery for Varenya won't be easy or smooth one. But he is determined to be with her in every step while providing her abundance of love and care.
Three days have passed since Varenya's sudden fainting and she is doing better. Samarth has appointed one of the best Psychiatrist of the country for Varenya after discussing with Kavyansh and Shivansh. However, the problem is that the psychiatrist stays in Bhubaneswar and it won't be easy for Varenya to continuously travel there if needed. So, Shivansh has suggested that all the necessary things will be set-up in the palace which means a new medical wing will be provided for the treatment of Varenya. Because seeing the stubborn nature of Varenya, she won't be going to see a doctor if by any chance she gets to know. But if everything can be set-up inside the palace then she won't think much or the family members will be able to handle her properly.
Currently, Kavyansh is sitting in his office's cabin along with Samarth as the psychiatrist will be arriving there for the meeting. Kavyansh wants to share everything with the psychiatrist before he takes her to meet Varenya.
"Bro, why is your PA so late to bring a cup of coffee? It's been already ten minutes since you told her to." Samarth remarks looking annoyed.
"Sam, she has other works to do as well. So, be quiet and wait for some time." Kavyansh replies not looking away from the documents that he is analysing for the new contract his company will sign with some authors for publishing their books under his company.
Samarth goes to complain but then the sound of knock is heard to which Kavyansh orders the person to enter. Soon enough, a very beautiful woman claded in a shiffon saree enters the cabin holding a steaming cup of coffee in one hand and an I-Pad in her other hand.
"Mr. Ahuja, here is your coffee." The woman who is none other than Kavyansh's PA says in a professional tone putting the cup on the desk while not sparing a glance at Samarth which kinds of hurt his ego.
"Miss Chandwani, have you sent the email that I told you?" Kavyansh asks looking at his PA who hands him the I-Pad.
"Sir, I will send it after you re-check the email one more time." Nishtha replies with a blank face while a frown appears on Samarth's face. Because this is the first time that a girl is neglecting his presence. He is an extremely handsome guy which makes girls drool over him while he doesn't let a chance go to flirt with any girl he finds attractive knowing well the effect he has on them.
"So, Miss Nishtha what took you so long to bring a cup of coffee? I mean I don't mind you taking extra time to do touch-up before coming here to see a handsome guy like me present here." Samarth remarks leaning against the chair he is sitting while he takes a sip of the coffee.
"I think you should try flirting with someone who is interested in you. Because I am not at all interested in you or your good looks, Mr. Ahuja." Nishtha replies making Samarth stunned while Kavyansh secretly record the scene in his phone as he was prepared for his PA's straight forward reply.
"Sir, I am going back to my cabin." Nishtha tells Kavyansh who nods his head and hands her the I-Pad.
"The hell is wrong with her? How can she neglect me, bro?" Samarth asks Kavyansh after Nishtha leaves from there.
"That's Nishtha Chandwani for you, my dear best friend. She is not like some other girls who faint over your looks. She is a hardworking woman who only focus on her work nothing else." Kavyansh replies with a chuckle.
"I will see how much longer she can resist my charm." Samarth says with determination in his face while Kavyansh face palms in response.
By the time Kavyansh has reached home it was late as there are a lot of work to do in the office as he has not gone back for a long time and also the meeting with the psychiatrist has taken a lot of time. Samarth hasn't returned with him saying that he will be accompanying the psychiatrist for a dinner as they are meeting after a long time.
Kavyansh directly goes to his room as he needs a shower to feel fresh. He finds Kiyansh and Mishti sleeping on his bed. So, he kisses both of them on their heads before heading inside his closet to put his briefcase and other things in their places. He then directly goes to the connected washroom and switches on the shower before standing under the cold water feeling much better. While in the shower, he keeps on thinking about what the psychiatrist has said. According to her, it will take a lot of time and efforts for Varenya to get better. But even after she gets better, she will have to go through a rounds of therapies to cope with the reality. Because the trauma she has faced isn't a easy one. She has lost both of her parents, also she doesn't even know about the existence of her baby. So, she will have to face everything together and that time will be the most difficult for her.
Kavyansh takes a deep breath and quickly complete his shower before getting dress in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. He walks out of his room and makes his way towards Meghna's room to see Varenya as he hasn't seen her the whole day. Thankfully, Meghna doesn't lock the door from inside so Kavyansh very slowly walks inside the room to see that Varenya is along in the bed. But then he notices that there isn't any water bottle in the nightstand so he understands that Meghna must have gone to get some water.
Kavyansh sits beside Varenya who is sleeping while her lips are jutted out into a pout. Kavyansh chuckles thinking about what his Lotus must be dreaming that's making her displeased. He bends down to kiss her on the forehead but suddenly Varenya wraps her hands around his neck making him surprised for a second. But then he relaxes and hugs her by putting his hand around her waist. He kisses the top of her head inhaling her natural fragrance which he likes a lot.
"Varu loves Mister Prince. Because Mister Prince is a good boy." Varenya mumbles in her sleep while Kavyansh holds her tightly yet gently feeling relief hearing his Lotus loves him after so many years.
"Mister Prince loves you too, Lotus." Kavyansh replies while running his fingers through Varenya's hair who sighs in her sleep.
After sometime Meghna arrives in the room with a water bottle in her hands. So, Kavyansh gets up from the bed after detangling Varenya from him very gently. Kavyansh then wishes Meghna goodnight and leaves from there letting them sleep.
I write with passion and try to make it as great as I can. However, I would like to earn some money to be able to atleast pay for some of the things related to my studies.
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