Navratri has started and with that, the arrival of guests have started as well. So, literally everyone is busy in the palace to look after everything. However, Varenya and Kiyansh has been kept hidden from the guests as the family don't want to take any risk by revealing about them to the outsiders. Especially, Kavyansh who doesn't want Varenya to get scared seeing so many different people. So, he has taken the task of keeping her busy by playing games with her and watching cartoons till the guests leave.
On the other hand, as promised Jivika has arranged things according Durga Puja as well except nonveg food. Instead of nonveg food Jivika has cooked Khichuri, Begun Bhaja, Aloo Bhaja, Labra and Sweet Tomato Chutney. Not only that, Shivansh has brought Dhakis(drummers) from West Bengal which has added a different charm to the festival.
Right now, Varenya and Kiyansh are busy dancing on the beats of Dhak(drum) while everyone in the family are cheering for them. Adwait is recording everything in his phone so that he can send it to Ritika who hasn't returned home from Varanasi.
"Angel, Scary Man, Mister Prince come with Varu and Kiwi." Varenya calls out still busy in dancing.
"Yes, everyone come here and let's dance." Kiyansh says agreeing with his mother.
Jivika is the first one to join and then one by one everyone come to dance except. However, Kavyansh and Shivansh decides to stay back to watch their loved ones being happy in the moment.
"Bhabhi is enjoying so much and see even Rani Sahiba is getting the steps correct." Shivansh remarks looking at Varenya and Jivika.
"Absolutely and believe me I am really happy to see them together. You know Meghna Aunty asked me if Jivika would ever feel threatened because of Varenya and I told her that Varenya would be bonding with Jivika pretty well. Yet, that time I didn't have the idea on how much close they would become. But both of them have embraced each other in a way which is hard to describe." Kavyansh replies with a satisfied smile on his face.
"I can describe their bond easily." Shivansh says to which Kavyansh looks at him with curiosity.
"Bhabhi is another attention seeker of my Rani Sahiba after those mutts." Shivansh replies while Kavyansh chuckles in response.
"Keep laughing, Bhai. But remember, I will laugh too when you have to fight for Bhabhi's attention." Shivansh remarks with a huff.
"Papa, Chachu come on let's go." Kiyansh says tugging on Kavyansh and Shivansh's fingers making them follow him where everyone is enjoying.
After one hour, everyone gather to eat the Bhog or Prasad cooked by Jivika. Varenya and Kiyansh becomes happy seeing the dishes that they are the first one to start eating. However, just as Adwait goes to take the Begun Bhaja from Varenya's plate she hits him on the hand.
"Adi Uncle, don't be a meany. This is for Varu and Varu will eat this." Varenya says putting the whole piece of the fry inside her mouth but soon regrets when she starts coughing trying to chew.
"Lotus, be careful and chew slowly." Kavyansh scolds Varenya while rubbing her back softly and then holds a glass of water in front of lips.
"Mister Prince, scold Adi Uncle too because he made Varu cough." Varenya complains after taking a few sips of water.
"Adwait, stop irritating her." Shivansh says sternly before Kavyansh can say anything.
"That day she shared her cookies with me so I thought today too she would share." Adwait replies glaring at Varenya who glares at him back.
"That day Adi Uncle also told Varu that Varu can do whatever Varu wants." Varenya retorts while Adwait shows his tongue in response.
"Scary Man, see Adi Uncle is showing his tongue to Varu." Varenya whines and this time Shivansh glares at Adwait.
"Fine but it's totally unfair. When Varu shows her tongue it's not bad but when I do it's bad." Adwait says rolling his eyes while Jivika puts another piece of Begun Bhaja on Adwait's plate which makes him smile.
"Bhaiya, are you sure that you are 30 years old?" Jivika asks raising an eyebrow at her older brother.
"Of course I am." Adwait replies raising the collar of his Kurta.
"Then behave like one." Kavyansh says making Varenya and Kiyansh giggles while others laugh.
"By the way, day after tomorrow the magistrate will be coming here for the court marriage." Pratap remarks after sometime when Varenya and Kiyansh has gone back to their room along with Meghna.
Kavyansh gets silent and excuses himself stating that he needs to complete some important work. He arrives in his room and directly walks inside the closet. He opens the drawer where he has kept the bottle of vodka. He takes the bottle from the drawer and starts drinking the Vodka as if he is drinking water.
Kavyansh drops on his knees while the half empty bottle breaks in pieces by falling on the floor. Yet, it doesn't effect him because again a sense of guilt has taken over his senses. One by one tears starts coming out of his eyes and soon enough he is sobbing hard. He knows that whatever he is doing for the well-being of his Lotus and their son. But deep down he also know that it's wrong as he feels like he is betraying the trust of Varenya.
"Lotus...I don't want to like this...but I don't have...any other option left." Kavyansh says between crying while hitting himself in the forehead.
"I am such a...bad person...I can't even...keep you safe." Kavyansh says while more tears stream down his face as the effect of the liquor is taking over his mind.
"Bhai!" Kavyansh hears someone calls out for him outside the closet but he still doesn't reply.
A few minutes later, Shivansh walks inside the closet and gets shocked seeing Kavyansh's condition. So, he immediately rushes towards his older brother and picks him up by holding onto his hand. He then makes Kavyansh to sit on the couch present there and walks out of the closet to get a glass of water.
"Here drink some water." Shivansh says arriving back inside the closet but Kavyansh shakes his head.
"I am sorry...I broke my...promise." Kavyansh says between hiccuping folding his hands in front of Shivansh who forcefully makes Kavyansh to drink some water.
"It's alright, Bhai. I can understand your situation but you need to sleep for now. Come on let's get you to bed." By saying this Shivansh helps Kavyansh to walk out of the closet by holding onto his shoulders.
Kavyansh keeps on murmuring sorry over and over while Shivansh takes off Kavyansh's shoes and then draps the blanket over his brother. Shivansh sits beside Kavyansh and wipes the tears of his brother who has fallen asleep.
Shivansh takes a deep breath to control his own tears because it's not easy for him to see his older brother in such condition. He is the only one who has seen his brother's breakdown after receiving the news Varenya's death and it has taken a lots of time, promises for his brother to become stable. But it seems things are again getting out of hands.
"Bhai, I know you would never break your promise without a valid reason and I have an idea of today's reason. But don't worry, Bhai. We will fight this time together and no one will be able to snatch your happiness from you. Because I will snatch their lives before they can even touch you or your source of happiness. That's my promise to you." Shivansh says looking at his brother sleeping face.
It's finally the day of the court marriage of Kavyansh and Varenya. Kavyansh has been quite silent from the morning as the weight of the situation is making him feel like the worst person ever. At first he thought that it wouldn't matter much because the marriage is only happening in paper. But the more closer the signing time is coming the more guilty he is feeling.
"Kavyansh..." Pratap calls out making Kavyansh to look at the door to see that his father is standing there.
"Please come inside, Papa." Kavyansh says.
"Your mother has sent this for you as she wants you to wear this during the court marriage." Pratap says putting a paper bag on the bed.
"But Papa I don't think it's needed. It's just a simple sign." Kavyansh replies gently.
"I know this marriage feel like a marriage of convenience but we all know that it's not. Varenya and you wanted to get married and that would have happened if the tragedy didn't happen in the past. So, kindly don't feel guilty for something that you haven't done. You may not share your troubles with me but I am not those type of father who neglect their child's emotions. Hence I understand the guilt you may have hidden inside you. But believe me, you shouldn't feel guilty. You should feel happy that you are not hiding the most valuable people of your life anymore. You are giving them the respect they deserve. Many may not agree with your decision of marrying Varenya thinking that you are betraying her. But I can assure you that once Varenya gets better she will tell you by herself that you have done the correct thing. You have put your child's happiness before anyone else." Pratap says putting his hand over Kavyansh's shoulder who looks at his father with a small smile and then nods his head.
"Thank you, Papa. You have always taught me to face the situation bravely although many times I couldn't do that. But this time I won't disappoint you. I won't be a coward again by hiding or going away. I will fight standing in the front with those who will come to harm my loved ones." Kavyansh replies making his father happy who pulls him into a hug.
"Also, keep my daughter and grandson happy all the time or I will beat you very badly." Pratap remarks after they pull away from the hug.
"I will for sure." Kavyansh replies.
"Now, get ready quickly. Because in an hour the megistrate will be here." Pratap says to which Kavyansh nods his head.
On the other hand, Jivika and Geetanjali is getting Varenya ready who looks very happy getting dressed up. She loves the outfit brought by Geetanjali that she insists on wearing it everyday from now on. Meanwhile, Meghna isn't a bit happy with whatever happening. She has tried to talk with Aaradhya and made her understand but Aaradhya answered her saying that whatever is happening is the best for everyone.
"Angel, why is Varu getting pretty pretty today?" Varenya asks looking at the a few bangles in her wrists as she shakes her hands emitting sounds from the bangles.
"Because today is a big day and my Varu Tai should look pretty although she always looks pretty." Jivika replies securing a small section of twisted hair on Varenya's side of the head with the help of bobby pin.
"Now, you are completely ready." Geetanjali says putting a small bindi between Varenya's eyebrows.
Varenya instantly looks at the mirror with a bright smile on her face. She looks at the small jhumka in her ears, then at the pendant in her neck and finally at her face which doesn't have much makeup on. She is a natural beauty with flawless skin and her medium skin tone enhance her beauty in a different standards. Also, the simple yet designer salwar suit is making her look divine.
"Aww our Varu is looking so beautiful." Aaradhya says walking inside the room followed by Kiyansh who has worn a sherwani for today.
"Varu, you are looking so pretty." Kiyansh says looking at his mother in awe. Because this is his first time seeing his mother dress like this.
"Kiwi is looking handsome too." Varenya replies giggling happily looking at her best friend.
"We are matching with each other too." Kiyansh remarks making Varenya to nod her head quickly.
"Come on stand together you both so that I can take off the evil eyes from you both." Aaradhya orders softly and the mother-son duo does as being told.
Aaradhya then takes a fistful of salt in her right hand from the bowl in the maid's hands and start rotating the her fist in clockwise direction on top of Varenya and Kiyansh's head for seven times. She then walks inside the washroom and washes her hands after dropping the salt in the basin letting it wash away with the water.
"Varu, listen to me nicely. A person is waiting for us downstairs and we have to meet him. But don't worry, your Mister Prince and Kiwi will be there too. Even we will be there too so don't be scared. You just have to sign your names on a few papers. Even Mister Prince will sign too." Aaradhya says holding Varenya's hands.
"Good man or bad man, Mister Prince's Mumma?" Varenya asks with hesitation.
"A good man, Varu and if by any chance you don't feel good you can tell us, we will brought you back here." Aaradhya replies making Varenya nods her head.
"Okay, Varu will go with everyone." Varenya says.
"Then let's go, Varu Tai." Jivika remarks giving her hand to Varenya who takes it happily and one by one everyone walks out of the room except Meghna and Aaradhya.
"Varenya's parents aren't here otherwise they would have signed in place of the witness in the marriage papers. But you are here so I think you should sign as a witness as you think of Varenya as your daughter." Aaradhya tells Meghna who looks away but nods her head in agreement.
Soon everyone reach the living room where the megistrate is sitting along with Raghuvendra, Pratap and Abhinav. But Varenya's eyes widen when she notices that her outfit is matching with her Mister Prince as well.
"Varu, Kiwi and Mister Prince is matchy matchy." Varenya exclaims with excitement meanwhile Kavyansh feels like he can't take off his eyes from his Lotus. It has always been rare for Varenya to wear traditional outfits as she likes to comfy western clothes. But whenever she used to wear traditional outfits, Kavyansh got to be the most mesmerized by seeing the beauty of his Lotus.
"Yes, we are matching." Kavyansh says after Samarth nudges him in the arm.
"We should start the procedure." The magistrate remarks making everyone agree.
Kavyansh and Varenya sits together while Kiyansh sits between them. Then the magistrate start describing the terms and conditions that's need to be known. While Varenya and Kiyansh looks confused, Kavyansh listens to everything with utmost interest. Then the magistrate tell Kavyansh and Varenya to sign on the required places.
"Lotus, you know how to write your name right?" Kavyansh asks softly.
"Yes, Varu knows to write Varu's name." Varenya replies.
"Okay then after I am done with writing, you will need to write your name." Kavyansh says making Varenya to nod her head.
Kavyansh then takes the pen from the magistrate and looks at the papers in front of him. He takes a deep breath and starts signing wherever the megistrate instructs him to. He then gives the pen to Varenya and guides her where she needs to sign. After that Pratap, Aaradhya and Meghna signs as the witness. A few more legal process are followed afterwards to complete the marriage.
"Both of you are now legally married. So, congratulations for your future." The magistrate says looking at Kavyansh and Varenya.
"Mister Prince, what is this man saying?" Varenya whispers in Kavyansh's ear not understanding anything.
"He said that you and I are best friend from now on." Kavyansh whispers back making Varenya smiles brightly.
"Varu is thank you." Varenya tells the magistrate who nods her head but he also feels bad for the innocent girl in front of him. He is a good friend of Abhinav so he has learned everything about Varenya.
"Okay then I will be taking my leave." By saying this the magistrate stands up.
"Let me accompany you outside." Adwait says and both walks out of there.
"I will get sweets for everyone." Jivika says and leaves from there.
"Varu, come here." Raghuvendra calls out making Varenya to stands up from the couch and makes her way to where Raghuvendra is sitting.
"A small gift from your Daddu." Raghuvendra says giving a square jwellery box in Varenya's hands who looks curious.
"Can Varu see it Daddu?" Varenya asks.
"Of course, you can." Raghuvendra replies and instantly Varenya opens the box revealing a beautiful pair of Gold bangles.
"So pretty." Varenya mumbles looking at the bangles.
"Kavyansh, come here and put these on Varenya's wrists. They are ancestral bangles which are given to the eldest daughter-in-law of the family." Raghuvendra orders so Kavyansh nods his head and puts the bangles in Varenya's wrists who grins in response.
"Chachu, are Mumma and Papa married now?" Kiyansh asks Shivansh in a low tone.
"Yes, Baby. Your parents are married." Shivansh replies making Kiyansh smiles brightly because he has been waiting for this moment.
"Does it mean I can tell everyone about my parents?" Kiyansh asks to which Shivansh nods his head and that's all it takes for Kiyansh to start jumping in happiness clapping his hands. Seeing him clapping his hands, Varenya joins him too and starts clapping her hands too which makes everyone smile.
But still, the smile is not reaching Kavyansh's eyes. Because he knows the pain and longing he is hiding inside himself. The day which was supposed to be the happiest day of his life doesn't seem happy to him anymore. Because although his Lotus is with him yet she isn't fully with him.
I write with passion and try to make it as great as I can. However, I would like to earn some money to be able to atleast pay for some of the things related to my studies.
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