Varenya is still shaking when Kavyansh brought her back to their room. Kavyansh sits on the bed with Varenya on his lap because no way he is letting her move away from his arms. Especially after hearing the details about her adoptive parents' death from her mouth.
"Lotus, close your eyes and try to sleep for some time." Kavyansh suggests rubbing Varenya back.
"I can't sleep, Kavi. My mind is so messed up recalling everything that right now I just want to know who are those people and why they have killed my parents." Varenya says with a shudder remembering the cruel way those people were laughing hearing her parents cries of pain.
Kavyansh again gets silent because he has the answers to his Lotus's questions but he can't tell her anything right now. She is already putting a lot of pressure on her brain which isn't good so if he tells her about the things he has got to know, then she may get more hyper. Not only that, he knows how possessive she is for her loved ones. So, it won't be easy for her to accept that the people she knows as her parents aren't her biological parents but instead they have adopted her. She will be devastated after knowing everything so he needs to be careful. Atleast till the DNA report comes.
"Kavi, will you help me find them?" Varenya asks turning around to face Kavyansh who puts a strand of hair behind her ear.
"I will do that. But before that tell me one thing." Kavyansh says rubbing Varenya's ears where she scratched before.
"Yes?" Varenya asks.
"I want you to keep an open mind when you'll get to know everything. Because it will change a lots of dynamics in your life." Kavyansh says making Varenya confused.
"I don't understand what you are saying." Varenya replies while Kavyansh smiles looking at her.
"I am talking about your parents' murderer and the reason behind your parents' death." Kavyansh says but still Varenya doesn't fully understand exactly what Kavyansh is trying to tell her. But she decides to keep quiet for now because she will directly ask Meghna about it.
On the other hand, Shivansh follows Jivika to their room who has become very silent which is totally out of her character. Shivansh has already realised that something isn't right with his Rani Sahiba and now seeing the way she is avoiding having any conversation with him has made him more eager to know everything.
Just as Jivika walks inside the closet Shivansh too walks inside and locks the door of the closet making Jivika to turn around to face her husband.
"What are you doing, Shiv?" Jivika asks with a frown on her face.
"You tell me what's going on with you and don't lie because you know I will see through your lies." Shivansh says sternly but still Jivika turns around and starts arranging her already arranged clothes.
"Rani Sahiba, are you feeling jealous of Varenya Bhabhi?" Instantly Jivika's movements stop hearing Shivansh's question. Because she herself doesn't know what she is feeling.
"Why will I feel jealous of her?" Jivika asks again starting to arrange the clothes.
"Adwait, your brother." Shivansh says and instantly Jivika's eyes get blurry with tears but she wipes the corner of her eyes before any tears can come out.
"What's there to be jealous about Bhaiya? I am really happ that he will finally get his mother and sister." Jivika replies shrugging her shoulders but the pain in her tone is enough for Shivansh to know the turmoil going inside her.
So, Shivansh wraps his hand around Jivika's waist and swiftly turns her around to face him. But his eyes hardens seeing the sadness in his Rani Sahiba's face. Yet, he bends down and kisses her softly on her forehead to assure her that he is with her and because of his this gesture, the tears that Jivika has been holding back starts coming out one by one.
Jivika wraps her hands around Shivansh's waist while putting her head on his chest. Meanwhile Shivansh too wraps his hands around his wife protectively.
"I am really happy for Adwait Bhaiya. But I am scared to lose him, Shiv. He may not be my blood-related brother but I have never seen him any less than that. I just don't want him to go away from me now that he has found his real mother and sister." Jivika says as tears continuously comes out of her eyes.
"You know I can assure you that your Adwait Bhaiya can never go away from you and the biggest proof about it is that he literally threatened me during wedding that if I don't keep you happy then he won't let me be happy ever. Yet, see I am very much happy because I have kept you happy and your elder brother aka Adwait hasn't killed me. What more proof do you need?" Shivansh asks in a teasing tone making Jivika chuckles between crying as she clearly remembers everything.
"By doing your Kanyadan, he has not only taken your brother's place but your father's as well. So, keep your faith in the bond you share with him. He is going through a very rough time of his life and you should be his biggest supporter in this situation as his sister, the sister whom he adores so much." Shivansh says looking down at his Rani Sahiba who nods her head in response.
"You know where Meghna and her daughter are. So, tell us everything and we will let you go." One of the man who looks like the leader of the group says looking at the tied up couple.
"We will die happily before we let anything happen to Meghna or her daughter. You can never find them in this lifetime." Gautam Mukherjee replies with determination clear in his tone.
"Meghna's daughter means our daughter and no way we will let you harm her." Bondita Mukherjee remarks and instantly gets a slap from the man in standing in front of her.
"We have come prepared because if you can keep them hidden for so many years then it won't be easy to get anything out of your mouth. Fine, then let's see what you'll do after seeing the gift we have brought you." The man says and signal someone who walks inside the house holding four big dogs on leashes.
Gautam Mukherjee looks towards his wife who is looking at the dogs with utmost fear visible in her eyes. The man looks at the dogs with a smirk and then towards Bondita Mukherjee who is shaking in her place.
"It's your last chance, Mrs. Mukherjee. Tell me everything or I will leave these dogs on you." The man says with a sick smile on his face thinking that now the woman will start blabbering everything. But much to his shock Bondita looks at him in eyes and shakes her head in response.
"Okay then have fun." And instantly the dogs jumps on Bondita who screams in fright and pain as the sharp canines of the dogs dugs deep into her flesh.
Varenya wakes up from sleep with a jerk as her face has become all red and sweaty. She looks around frantically and notices that it's already night. She then looks at her right side and notices that Kavyansh is sleeping. So, she tries to control her heavy breathing and very cautiously gets out of the bed.
With shaky steps she walks inside the washroom and looks at the mirror where she can only see a failed person who isn't able to save her parents. She wipes her tears mixed with her sweats but still they continue to appear more. So, she splash some cold water on her face a few times which makes her feel a little better.
Varenya wipes her face and walks out of the washroom. She looks at Kavyansh but decides not to disturb him. He has already done so much for her so he should atleast get proper sleep. With that in mind, she walks out of the room and makes her way towards Meghna's room.
Varenya finally reaches Meghna's room and goes to knock. But she finds the door isn't lock so she silently walks inside and finds Meghna asleep while holding something against her chest. Varenya badly wants wake up Meghna and asks her about that horrible day. But seeing that Meghna is in deep slumber, Varenya drops her plan. However when goes to drap the blanket properly over Meghna she notices that it's a photo frame that Meghna is holding.
"Maybe this photo can give me some idea about Mamoni's family." Varenya thinks and carefully takes away the frame from Meghna's hold.
Varenya with steady steps moves away from the bed and sits on the chair present in the room. She then looks at the photograph and gets shocked seeing the resemblance the woman in the photo has with Meghna.
"This woman looks exactly like Mamoni but younger. Then this man must be her husband and these are must be their kids." Varenya thinks looking at the photo.
"When Mamoni came to our house, Maa told me that Mamoni is a widow. But according to this photo, she has two kids. Then where are her children now?" Varenya thinks because she has never heard Meghna talking about her children.
"So it seems that whatever those people were asking about Mamoni and her daughter was true. And maybe my parents knew about it. But the question is arising that if they knew about Mamoni and her daughter, why did they lie? Also, according to this photo Mamoni has two children then why were those men only asking about her daughter? Where is her son?" Varenya wonders but nothing seems to work in her mind.
The next day when Kavyansh wakes up, he gets surprised not seeing Varenya beside him on the bed. So, he checks in the washroom, closet but he doesn't find her there as well. In the end, he decides to check the CCTV footage of the corridors in his phone and finds that Varenya has gone to Meghna's room last night. Instantly, Kavyansh walks out of the room and arrives in front of Meghna's room. The door isn't locked so he walks inside and finds Varenya sleeping on the chair in an uncomfortable position. But as soon as he goes to pick her up in his arms, he notices the photo frame in her hand which makes his eyes widen.
"Has she found out about Meghna Aunty's family?" Kavyansh thinks looking at his Lotus but he shakes his head because right now he needs to take her back to their room.
So, he takes the frame out of her hands and puts it on the table before picking her in his arms to leave the room. He closes the door on his way so that Meghna can sleep because he remembers his mother telling him that Meghna has fever so she has to take medicine which may be the reason for her deep sleep.
After arriving in their room, Kavyansh puts Varenya on the bed and stays in the bed with her for sometime while his thoughts wonder around the test report which are supposed to arrive today. Varenya's blood sample has been sent as well just to be assured that her DNA match with Meghna and Adwait. Because Kavyansh knows his Lotus so he has given this advice beforehand.
After half an hour, Kavyansh gets up from the bed and goes to take shower. When he comes out of the washroom, he finds Varenya sleeping but he needs to wake her up because she needs to take medicine after breakfast.
"Lotus..." Kavyansh calls out softly while caressing Varenya's face who wraps her arm around him in response.
"Come on, Baby get up. It's already morning and you need to take medicine after breakfast." Kavyansh says kissing Varenya on her forehead.
"Medicines are gross." Varenya mumbles snuggling closer to the warmth of Kavyansh who chuckles.
"A doctor is calling medicine gross then what we can expect from a patient." Kavyansh remarks teasingly.
"I am currently a patient, not a doctor. So, I can call medicine gross as much as I want." Varenya replies opening her eyes and looks at Kavyansh with a pout who badly wants to kiss that pout. But he knows that it's not right time for that because they need to have breakfast first and then he can do romance with his wife.
Suddenly Varenya gets up from her lying position making Kavyansh surprise. But before he can ask her anything she runs inside the washroom leaving him all confused.
"Lotus, what happened? Are you okay?" Kavyansh asks from outside the washroom.
"Everything is alright, Kavi. I need to ask Mamoni something very important. So, I am getting fresh quickly." Varenya replies brushing her teeth while Kavyansh wonders if she will ask about the photograph and the people in the photo.
Sometimes later Varenya walks out of the closet fully ready and looking fresh. Kavyansh smiles looking at her and holds out his hand which she takes before both leave the room together.
When they reach downstairs, Kiyansh instantly runs towards his parents with open arms. He slept with his grandparents last night as his Maa wasn't feeling well. But now seeing her, he can't stop his excitement.
"Maa, Papa good morning." Kiyansh says with a bright smile on his face.
"Good morning, Kiwi."
"Good morning, Ansh."
Varenya and Kavyansh replies pinching their son's cheeks who giggles in response. He then holds both of their hands and drags them to the dining room where one by one everyone is arriving to have breakfast. But as soon as Meghna arrives there with Geetanjali, Varenya rushes towards her seeing how pale her Mamoni is looking.
"Mamoni, why are you looking like this?" Varenya asks getting worried while Meghna looks at her daughter with a teary smile.
"I have a little fever. But don't worry, it will get better soon." Meghna replies holding Varenya's face with shaky hands as she is still processing that her old Anu is standing in front of her.
"We can't take fever as nothing. It can get worse. So, now you'll have light breakfast and then I will give you medicine which you have to take." Varenya scolds her Mamoni not realising that others around them are looking at them with adoration.
"Now that my personal doctor is going to treat me, I will definitely behave perfectly." Meghna says while Varenya wipes the few fallen tears of Meghna.
"Of course you'll need to behave. Because I am not going to lose you at any cost." Varenya replies wrapping her hands around Meghna's neck as tears starts coming out of her eyes as well.
I write with passion and try to make it as great as I can. However, I would like to earn some money to be able to atleast pay for some of the things related to my studies.
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