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Samarth keeps on looking at Nishtha and her daughter for some more time. But when he notices that Nishtha is about to look in his way, he walks out of the balcony and close the curtains. He doesn't want her to know that he is keeping an eye on her or he knows that she will bury him alive.
Samarth sits on the couch and sends money to the men who have given him information about Nishtha's whereabouts in Delhi. He lets out a sigh feeling bored in the big apartment. But this is the only option he has to be close with his Firefly and Ishu. Yep that's what he has been calling Nishtha and Mishka in his mind.
"Milke aana chahiye kya un dono se?" Samarth thinks.
(Should I go to meet them both?)
"Nahi, rehne deta hu. Warna kuch shuru hone se pehle hi sab khatam kar degi, Firefly." By thinking this Samarth shakes his head as his body shudder just imagining Nishtha's angry face.
(No, let it be. Otherwise, Firefly will finish everything before it even begins.)
So, not having any other thing to do Samarth gets up from the couch and makes his way towards a room which he has decorated for Mishka. He looks at the mustard colour themed room which is full of different kinds of emotion sensory toys along with other types of toys as well. There is a princess bed in the middle of the room with beautifully crafted canopy draft over it. There is a walk-in closet filled with different types of outfits for every seasons and all the outfits are customized for his Ishu. The ceiling of the room is decorated with galaxy themed lights which he believes that his Princess will definitely love to watch. Also, there is a bookshelf available in the room as well which is full of different kinds of books which will spark Mishka's interest.
"Just wait for a few days, Ishu. Then you, me and your Mumma will stay here together. Also, you will get the best treatment because I have already arranged everything." Samarth says looking at the big photo frame on the wall with a genuine smile.
He doesn't know what exactly happened to him but he is not only obsessed with Nishtha. He is obsessed with her daughter Mishka as well, not in a bad way. He simply wants to see both the mother, daughter happy and he wants to be the reason behind it. Mostly after reading the file, he is feeling guilty for joking about Nishtha's divorce when Kavyansh first told him. Now he knows exactly what happened with Nishtha during her married life so he has taken a vow to make anyone's life hell whoever try to make his Firefly sad again.
His thoughts suddenly gets broken as he hears his phone ringing. So, he walks out of the room and reach living room where he has left his phone. Upon arriving there, he notices that it's Kavyansh who is calling him.
"How's your planning going?" Samarth gets confused hearing Kavyansh's question.
"What are you talking about?" Samarth asks.
"Atleast now stop pretending in front of me. You told me that you are going to meet your family. But in reality you're still in Jodhpur. So, may I know exactly what you are doing or should I say hiding?" Kavyansh asks making Samarth to rub his forehead.
"Are you stalking me, Bro?" Samarth asks with a dramatic sigh.
"The hell with you, Sam? Do you want me to kick you in your balls so that your brain start functioning perfectly?" Kavyansh snaps making Samarth gulps.
"Why are you talking like a violent person? Am I not your best friend anymore? Also, don't talk about harming my balls. I haven't used them yet properly." Samarth remarks with a whine while Kavyansh gags.
"Shut up, idiot. I don't fantasize about knowing your sexual life. I just want to know why you haven't gone to Ludhiana and also where you are." Kavyansh says sternly.
Samarth knows that although his best friend is the calmest person he has met till now but his anger is also very bad. So, it's better to tell him everything before he can get to know from anywhere else.
"I am in Jodhpur." Samarth replies.
"That I know but you need to tell me exactly where in Jodhpur." Kavyansh says.
"In the opposite building of your PA's apartment." Samarth mumbles but Kavyansh has heard him perfectly.
"Dr. Samarth Ahuja, what the hell are you planning in your dumb head?" Kavyansh asks making Samarth to roll his eyes.
"Bro, you are calling me doctor as well as dumb. How can this be possible?" Samarth remarks.
"To hell with your possibilities. Just tell me what's going on in your mind and don't you dare to lie." Kavyansh threatens.
"I have bought an apartment in the opposite building where PA, Nishtha stays and I am kind of keeping an eye on her." Samarth replies and suddenly there is no sound from the other side of the call. So, Samarth checks the screen to see if the call got cut but the call is still connected.
"Are you there, Kavyansh?" Samarth asks and instantly he feels like his eardrums will destroy.
"Damn, man my ears will have funeral before my other body parts if you keep shouting like this." Samarth whines.
"Then tell me exactly what you want or I swear to Lotus that I will kill you myself." Kavyansh says sharply and instantly Samarth straighten up hearing Kavyansh taking swear on nickname of Varenya.
"Okay, listen I really don't know what's going on with me but I am feeling some kind of attraction towards Nishtha. Actually, I have felt attracted towards the first day I met her in your office. So, I hired a private investigator to get me information about her after you didn't share anymore information about her." Samarth replies with a sigh.
"How can you do that, Sam? If you really feel something for her then you could have talked to her or told me about it. But you hired a PI to find information about her? That's really cheap of you to do." Kavyansh remarks in a disappointed tone.
"You know me that I have never done something like this before. Hell, I even decided to not read the file given by the private investigator but then..." Samarth doesn't complete his sentence because he too feels like he is doing wrong.
"Then what?" Kavyansh asks with curiosity.
"Ritika came to me and told me about Nishtha's daughter's condition. You know how much I love kids so I asked Ritika to show me photo or video of the little one and I realised that the little one might have autism. Just like that, I felt like I need to keep her protected at any cost along with her mother." Samarth replies.
"Why are you talking like a pedophile? Don't tell me you are attracted to the mother-daughter both." Kavyansh remarks getting horrified.
"Shut up you fool." Samarth says and plops down on the couch.
"See, I don't know what happened to me but I need to see Nishtha and Mishka whenever I want. I also know that Nishtha is not that type of girl who will easily talk to me, hell I am sure she doesn't even want to see my face. But her daughter needs my help and I want to help her the best way I can. So, please don't get any negative thoughts in your mind. You are already very tensed with Varenya's situation so put your full focus on that and let me handle my issues by myself." Samarth further adds running his fingers through his hair.
"Just tell me one thing. You won't harm Nishtha or her daughter, right?" Kavyansh asks with hesitation clear in his tone.
"I know I am a flirt but I am not a Playboy and you should know that. Yet, I am promising you that I don't have any ill intention with Nishtha. So, stay assured from my side." Samarth replies truthfully.
"That's good. Also don't forget that she is under Ritika's protection and you know well what Ritika is capable of doing." Kavyansh warns making Samarth to roll his eyes.
"She may or may not everything." Samarth says which makes Kavyansh shock.
"Sam, tell me everything clearly. Do not give me small heart attacks with your every reply." Kavyansh remarks rubbing his chest.
"Ritika read the flie given by the private investigator when I wasn't in the room and then she asked me exactly what's going on with me. So, I told her everything and after hearing my side, she threatened to kill me at first but when I convinced her to give me a chance to make things better, she agreed." Samarth replies.
"Wow, great, perfect." That's all Kavyansh can reply because first he can't believe that his best friend has hidden such type of things from him and secondly, he can't believe his sister is supporting his best friend behind his back.
"Chhoti knows about the apartment thing. Actually, she is the one who helped me get the apartment as the apartment was already sold to someone else." Samarth says with a mischievous smile knowing well that he is getting on Kavyansh's nerve.
"I don't think that even God can save you and Ritu from Nishtha after she gets to know about the things you have been doing behind her back." Kavyansh remarks and instantly Samarth's smile turn to pout.
"Bro, you are supposed to be on my side. Have you forgotten how much I helped you to pursue Varenya?" Samarth retorts sulkily.
"Fine, I won't tell anything to Nishtha." Kavyansh grumbles while Samarth does little bhangra in his mind to celebrate.
"That's why you are my best friend. You deserve a kiss from me. " By saying this Samarth starts making kissing noises making Kavyansh to cut the call.
It's been a week since Nishtha has brought Mishka to Jodhpur and she is taking Mishka with her to the company everyday. Because she knows that her daughter won't be comfortable with any babysitter or any daycare. So, it's better if she keeps her with her. Thankfully, Kavyansh has arranged a play area in Nishtha's cabin after Samarth told him to do that. Not that Kavyansh wouldn't have done that by himself.
Currently Nishtha is changing Mishka's clothes as they are directly going to Rathore Palace for dinner. Actually, Kavyansh and Varenya has gotten legally married. So, to celebrate this the Rathore family has invited there trusted people for dinner.
"My Mishu is looking soooo pretty." Nishtha says tieing her daughter's hair in ponytail hairstyle and then adds pretty clips on them as well. Little Mishka claps her hands and giggles along making Nishtha smiles brightly.
"Your Ritu Maasi has gotten appointment of the best doctor for you. Now, I am sure you'll be able to talk and walk like other kids." Nishtha says caressing Mishka's chubby cheeks which has natural blush on them making her look more cuter.
Nishtha lets out a sigh and picks up her daughter in her arms alone with the side bag which has all the necessary things. Nishtha walks out of the cabin after locking it from outside and makes her way inside the elevator. She has booked a cab beforehand which is already waiting outside the company building. So, as soon as she walks out of the building she gets inside the cab to reach the Rathore Palace.
Soon the cab stops in front of the main gate of the palace as cabs aren't allowed to go inside. So, Nishtha has to go out of the cab and then walks the short distance to the palace. It's not her first time coming here so the guards know her. But they look a little confused seeing the little girl in her arms yet no one ask her anything because that doesn't concern them.
Nishtha rings the bell and soon a maid open the door to let her in. She can hear some voices talking and laughing with each other making her feel nervous. Because Ritika isn't in the town and Nishtha hasn't spent that much time with other members of the family, although she knows that they are very nice people. But the last time she came here, her Boss's fiance got jealous of her. Actually, later Nishtha got to know that her Boss's fiance Varenya has been suffering from some psychological condition and that's why she behaves like that with strangers and for her, Nishtha is stranger. So, Nishtha is hoping today Varenya won't get jealous or angry seeing her again.
"Nishtha Di, how are you?" Nishtha's chains of thoughts break hearing Jivika, Kavyansh's sister-in-law's voice who is the current Rani Sa of Rajasthan.
"I am doing good, Rani Sa." Nishtha replies making Jivika pout.
"How many times have I told you not to call me Rani Sa? You are my Riti's best friend and also older than me. So, call me by my name or I won't talk to you next time." Jivika says with a fake stern voice which makes Nishtha chuckles.
"Kindly forgive me this time. I will remember this warning from next time." Nishtha replies smiling gently which makes Jivika to grin from ear to ear.
"While talking to you I forgot about this cutie in your arms. Is that our Mishka?" Jivika asks wiggling her fingers in front Mishka who only stares at the fingers but doesn't respond making Nishtha sighs.
"I am sorry. She doesn't respond to anyone other than me." Nishtha says but Jivika shakes her head in response.
"There is no need for you to say sorry. Some kids take time to develop certain things and I am sure Mishka will start interacting with everyone soon. Now come on let's go. Everyone is in the living room." By saying this Jivika holds Nishtha's hand and takes her where everyone is.
I write with passion and try to make it as great as I can. However, I would like to earn some money to be able to atleast pay for some of the things related to my studies.
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