"You packed enough to feed a battalion of people, Varu." Adwait teases, glancing at the overflowing basket.
"Angel and I eat like normal people, but you eat like a bottomless pit. So, don't blame me for being prepared." Varenya remarks while Jivika chuckles.
"I am not going to get you any chocolates from now on." Adwait says rolling his eyes.
"Good luck on keeping your words which I know you can't." Varenya replies with amusement clear in her tone.
The picnic begins with a joyful chaos of laughter and stories. They dig into the sandwiches, share cookies, and tease each other mercilessly. Adwait steals bites from Jivika's plate to which Varenya laughs as she swats his hand away.
The hours pass in a blur of joy and happiness. But the highlight comes when Adwait hands Varenya and Jivika small velvet boxes.
"What's this?" Varenya asks as her brows furrowing in curiosity.
"Open it and see for yourself." Adwait says as a wicked gleam in his eye.
Both the girls open the boxes in their hands and get confused seeing a card and key. The one in Varenya's hand reads- Varu's Chocolate Heaven while the one in Jivika's hand reads- Jivu's Plushie Paradise.
"I don't understand." Varenya says staring at the key and the card.
"It's the key to your very own chocolate company which sells every type of chocolates in the World." Adwait replies as his grin widens while Varenya's mouth falls open.
"Dadabhai, are you nuts? Although I appreciate your efforts but this is seriously too much. I can't take it." By saying this Varenya goes to give back the things to Adwait but before she can do that, Jivika holds her hand.
"Tai, Bhaiya ko bolke koi fayda nahi. Unke gifts humesha aise hi hote hai to rakh lijiye." Jivika remarks making Varenya to blink her eyes not understanding how she should react.
(Tai, there is no point in telling Bhaiya. His gifts are always like this, so just keep it.)
"Yeh kya baat hui? Apne future ka bhi to socho." Varenya says while Adwait scoffs in response.
(What is this? Think about your future too.)
"Tum to aise bol rahi ho jaise ki maine apne saare paise khatam kar diye? Aur waise bhi, future ka sochke main aaj kyu khush na rahu aur isse pehle ki tum phir se gyan ki devi ban jao, main bata deta hu ki meri khushi tum dono ki khushi mein hi hai aur tum dono ki khushi ki chabi maine tum dono ko gift kardi hai." Adwait replies shrugging his shoulders.
(You are talking as if I have spent all my money! And anyway, why shouldn't I be happy today instead of worrying about the future? And before you turn into the goddess of wisdom again, let me just say that my happiness lies in both of yours, and I have already gifted you both the keys to your happiness.)
"Par main itni chocolates bhi nahi kha sakti." Varenya remarks with a pout.
Adwait can't help but starts laughing hearing the words of his sisters. Meanwhile, Varenya and Jivika looks at their brother with confusion.
"Are you done or not?" Varenya asks glaring at her brother.
"Okay, okay listen." Adwait says after he very difficultly stop his laughter.
"You don't have to eat all the chocolates or keep all the toys to yourself. You can sell chocolates and toys at a reasonable price or donate whenever you feel like. Although I know you don't need it because you are already very much capable and your husbands are super rich, but still I want you have something that solely belongs to you. So, these companies are my investments for your future as your older brother." Adwait says.
"Dadabhai, are you serious? This is so unreal!" Varenya remarks still in disbelief.
"I don't joke about business, Varu. Also, you would have taken chocolate tax from your older sibling so I am just give you the tax for all these years that I couldn't." Adwait replies as a chuckle escape his lips while Varenya becomes emotional. But she clears her throat and smiles looking at her brother.
"But why have you got me the toy company suddenly? I haven't asked for any tax." Jivika remarks innocently to which Adwait gives her a look of adoration.
"It's my apology for not understanding what you are going through and before you start with that I can't say anything bad about your brother, let me tell you that I should have been more attentive to you. I should have remembered that you aren't someone to voice out your insecurities." Adwait replies as a look of guilt appears on his face.
"Please Bhaiya, let's not talk about this topic anymore. Afterall we are human beings so it's natural for us to have insecurities. Yes, I agree I thought you might forget about me but it didn't mean I wasn't happy about you. I was happy, I am happy and I will be happy to see you getting your happiness. So, let's forget whatever happened and only focus on what's going to happen next." Jivika says with a soft smile to which Varenya too nods her head in agreement.
"Well, we are a happy family. But hey, I expect a discount on all your plushies and chocolates, okay?" Adwait remarks with a grin.
"Nope, that's not going to happen." Varenya says giggling as she gives high five to Jivika who giggles as well.
"Such bad sisters you two are." Adwait sulks while Varenya and Jivika burst into laughter to where Adwait joins them as well.
The rest of the day is spent in a haze of happiness and as the sun begins to set, they gather their things and head home, full of laughter and love. But this time there is no complaints or no insecurities are left to be shared between the siblings.
That night, Varenya is about to drift into sleep when she hears the faint creak of the door opening and interestingly, she doesn't need to get up to see who it is.
"Kavi?" Varenya calls out softly.
"You are still awake?" Kavyansh asks as he steps into the room, a tired yet content smile appearing on his face.
Varenya doesn't need another invitation. She gets off the bed and runs straight into Kavyansh's arms, who wraps his hands around her waist, grinning as she buries her face into his chest.
"You are late." Varenya complains softly.
"I had to stop somewhere before coming back." Kavyansh murmurs, tightening his hold on her.
"Is that somewhere more important than me?" Varenya asks looking up at Kavyansh, resting her chin on his chest as her lips form a pout.
"Nothing can be more important than you." Kavyansh replies, brushing a lock of hair from Varenya's face before he leans down, capturing her lips in a slow yet deep kiss.
Varenya melts against him while her hands finding their way into his hair as he lifts her effortlessly off the ground, making her wrap her legs around his torso. The world falls away, leaving only the two of them in the embrace of their love.
Kavyansh carries her to the bed, gently laying her down. His lips trail across her neck as he leaves tender kisses along with biting her sweet spot, making a moan escape her lips.
"Let's get ready. We need to go somewhere." Kavyansh mumbles, stopping his activities while Varenya looks at him in confusion.
"But it's too late, Kavi." Varenya says, threading her fingers through Kavyansh's hair.
"You are talking as if we haven't gone out this late before." Kavyansh teases, biting Varenya's neck playfully before nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck making her giggle.
"Stop! It tickles." Varenya says, pushing Kavyansh's face away while he chuckles in response.
"Come on, we need to change our clothes." Saying this, Kavyansh stands up with Varenya still in his arms.
Varenya watches as Kavyansh carefully places her back on her feet after they reach the closet, his hands lingering on her waist for a moment before he steps away.
"Are you not going to tell me where we are going?" Varenya asks, crossing her arms.
"You will see soon enough. Just put on something warm as it's a little chilly outside." Kavyansh smirks.
With a dramatic sigh, Varenya walks toward the closet and pulls out a cozy leather jacket and jeans while Kavyansh changes into a similar outfit as his Lotus. Once they are ready, he grabs her hand and leads her out of the house.
The cool night air greets them as they step outside. Varenya shivers slightly, but before she can say anything, Kavyansh zipped her jacket properly.
"Caring as always." Varenya remarks with a smile, clutching the fabric closer.
Kavyansh just chuckles, guiding her toward his parked bike. He hands her a helmet before getting onto the bike himself.
"Get on." Kavyansh says, patting the seat behind him.
Varenya doesn't hesitate. She swings her leg over and wraps her arms tightly around his torso pressing her cheek against his back.
"Ready?" Kavyansh asks revving the engine.
"Always." Varenya replies grinning from ear to ear and with that, they speed off into the night.
As the wind rushes past them, Varenya finds herself lost in nostalgia. Memories of their late-night rides during their dating years flood her mind- sneaking out, laughing freely, racing against the wind and returning home just before sunrise.
"Kavi, what's with this sudden plan of late night bike ride?" Varenya asks.
"Because I want to spend some along time with you." Kavyansh replies while Varenya hums.
"I missed this." Varenya murmurs as her voice barely audible over the wind.
"I know, that's why I planned this." Kavyansh replies after he hears her.
"Do you remember the time we almost got caught sneaking back in?" Varenya tightens her grip around him, her heart swelling.
"How could I forget? You tripped over your own feet and fell face-first into the bushes and your Baba thought some thief had entered the premises." Kavyansh replies while laughing.
"Why do you always bring that up?" Varenya groans, burying her face in his back.
"Because it was adorable." Kavyansh teases.
They continue talking as Kavyansh expertly maneuvers through the quiet streets, reminiscing about their past. The city lights eventually fade as they take a more secluded route. The air grows cooler and the surroundings become eerily quiet.
"Uh, Kavi where exactly are we going?" Varenya asks, tightening her grip around his waist.
"Have some patience, Lotus." Kavyansh says, a mysterious edge to his voice.
After a few more minutes, Kavyansh slows down and finally stops the bike in what appears to be an abandoned area. The place is dark and silent, with nothing but trees and an open space ahead.
"Okay, this is creepy. Did you bring me here to scare me?" Varenya frowns.
Kavyansh chuckles but doesn't respond. Instead, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small remote control with a single button. He then places it in Varenya's hand.
"Press it." Kavyansh instructs.
"What is this?" Varenya asks, hesitation clear in her tone.
"Just trust me." Kavyansh says with a small smile.
Varenya exhales as her curiosity piqued but then she presses the button. Within seconds, bright lights flicker on one by one, illuminating the entire area. Varenya gasps as she takes in the sight before her- a fair. Not just any fair, but a private one. The same she dreamt of going with her Kavi.
A Ferris wheel, a carousel, cotton candy stalls, game booths- everything a fair should have, right in front of her, glowing under the night sky.
"Kavi..." Varenya's voice is barely a whisper as she turns to look at him in astonishment.
"Surprise." Kavyansh says with a smile.
"You... you did all this?" Varenya asks as her eyes wide with disbelief.
"I did for you." Kavyansh confirms, the smile isn't leaving his face.
"But why? It must be so expensive." Varenya says while Kavyansh shakes his head in response.
"Because I wanted to witness this mesmerizing smile of my Lotus seeing her favourite fairy wheels and cotton candy stalls. Moreover, I wanted to bring back those old days when we used to sneak out for late-night adventures. Only this time, I wanted it to be even more special." Kavyansh replies as Varenya's heart swells with overwhelming emotions seeing the efforts Kavyansh has put.
"This is crazy." Varenya says as chuckles leave her lips.
"You always said you wanted a fair all to yourself. So here you go. Also, don't worry, I haven't organised this fair with my Dadaji or Papa's money. This is organised by my earned money, just like you wanted." Kavyansh replies remembering how Varenya refused to go on luxurious dates in the past. Because that time, neither her nor Kavyansh had enough money to afford such dates and she disliked the idea of using their families' hard earned money.
"I love you." Without another word, Varenya throws herself into Kavyansh's arms as she whispers the words while burying her face in his neck.
"I love you more." Kavyansh replies holding her close while kissing the crown of her head.
"Come on, Lotus. Let's make the most of our date." Kavyansh says after sometime.
"Where do we start?" Varenya asks pulling back slightly as her eyes gleams with excitement.
"Hmm, how about the carousel?" Kavyansh asks, pretending to think knowing that his Lotus is a second away from rejecting the offer.
"No way! The Ferris wheel first! You know I love the view from the top." Varenya lets out with a gasp.
"Fine, fine. Your wish is my command." Kavyansh replies dramatically while Varenya claps her hands in happiness.
Hand in hand, they make their way to the Ferris wheel. As soon as they settle into their seat, Varenya leans over the railing as her eyes go wide with wonder as the city lights twinkle in the distance. The cool breeze brushes against their faces, making the moment even more magical.
"I swear, you look happier than a kid in a candy store." Kavyansh watches her, a small smile playing on his lips as he remarks.
"That's because I am happy, Kavi. This is like a dream." Varenya says turning around with a big smile adoring her face which reminds Kavyansh of Varenya's condition a few months ago. The childlike behaviour of Varu who used to get happy in small things.
"Then I will make sure you never wake up from it." Kavyansh says as he tucks a strand of hair behind Varenya's ear.
Varenya's breath catches as Kavyansh cups her face gently, his thumb brushing over her cheek. The world around them fades as Kavyansh leans in, his lips capturing hers in a tender kiss. Varenya melts into it, her fingers gripping his jacket tightly. The Ferris wheel reaches the top, giving them a breathtaking view. But all Varenya can focus on her Kavi- his warmth, his love, his everything.
"Told you the Ferris wheel was a good idea." Kavyansh remarks with a smirk when they finally pull apart.
"Let's go get cotton candy before you distract me again." Varenya says, rolling her eyes as Kavyansh laughs.
They hop off and rush toward the stall. Varenya immediately grabs a pink cotton candy and takes a bite, sighing in delight.
"You are adorable when you eat." Kavyansh says with amusement.
"And you are annoying when you stare." Varenya retorts.
"Yet you love me." Kavyansh retorts back stealing a piece of her cotton candy. Varenya huffs but doesn't argue. Instead, she smears a bit of cotton candy on his cheek.
"Oops." Varenya says giving an innocent look as if she hasn't done anything intentionally.
"Oh, you are in big trouble now." Kavyansh says narrowing his eyes while Varenya goes to run. But before she can run, he grabs her waist and pulls her close, rubbing his cheek against hers making her squeal.
"Kavi! Stop, it's sticky!" Varenya shouts trying to get away from Kavyansh.
"Revenge is sweet, just like this candy." Kavyansh teases, laughing at Varenya's protests who too starts laughing.
They spend the next hour playing games, challenging each other at the ring toss and dart throwing. Finally, Varenya wins a stuffed penguin and she hugs it proudly.
"I am keeping this forever." Varenya declares.
"Not fair. I wanted to win something for you." Kavyansh remarks crosses his arms.
"You already did. My heart." Varenya replies stepping closer making Kavyansh to blink his eyes.
"That was so cheesy." Kavyansh remarks with a groan feeling flustered. Because no matter what, when it comes to flirting Varenya always gets the upper hand.
"But you love it." Varenya says batting her eyelashes.
"Unfortunately, yes." Kavyansh replies with a sigh.
"Now, come on. We have more games to play and if you are lucky then you can win me something." Varenya says patting Kavyansh on the face before she walks towards another gaming booth while Kavyansh follows her.
I write with passion and try to make it as great as I can. However, I would like to earn some money to be able to atleast pay for some of the things related to my studies.
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